No bug using Blitz3D in Windows 10 !

Archives Forums/Blitz3D Bug Reports/No bug using Blitz3D in Windows 10 !

Xilvan(Posted 2015) [#1]
Our projects are properly working
with Blitz3D in Windows 10 !

I tested everything I could;
even compilation.

The speed of your games may
increase with Windows 10.

No bugs reported yet.

Everything is just like Windows 8.1, 8, 7 or XP !

Let's see if you
could find


RemiD(Posted 2015) [#2]
Good to know, thanks for the report.

Can we still put the game in c:\ and not have to write/read in the "user" directories (for save files, for config files) ?

Volturna(Posted 2015) [#3]
Glad to read that :D

Kippykip(Posted 2015) [#4]
I'm using Windows 10 and can confirm no 30FPS issues like it did on Windows 8!
I even downgraded my Blitz3D to the original release and still going 60FPS! Perhaps Microsoft brought fixed up DirectX7 support in their DirectX12 release?

Here's the example I used.
Graphics3D 800,600,32,1

SetBuffer BackBuffer()
CameraViewport camera,0,0,800,600
PositionEntity box,0,0,10
While Not KeyHit(1)

TurnEntity box,0,1,2

If MilliSecs()-timer > 1000
End If
Text 400,0,fps

Flip False

_PJ_(Posted 2015) [#5]
In theory, then Blitz3D games should be able to run on Surface and Lumia running Windows 10?

The only problem I might see with this, is many such devices are limited to 24-bit fixed resolutions.

xlsior(Posted 2015) [#6]
In theory, then Blitz3D games should be able to run on Surface and Lumia running Windows 10?

1) IIRC B3D blows up on touch-screen only devices unless there's also a mouse connected at the time (unless that got fixed?)

2) Blitz3D requires an x86 processor in addition to windows -- so it can run on the Surface (new versions and the old Pro series, but not the original cheaper RT release). I'm pretty sure that the Lumia has a different processor architecture and won't run x86 windows executables.

Windows 10 is introducing a 'universal app' that will work on Windows 10 PCs, xbox one, lumia, etc. but that's a new framework generated by Visual Studio 2015 -- B3D builts its own executables straight through assembler, and the resulting executable doesn't use the universal app framework and will not magically become portable to non-x86 devices.

Yue(Posted 2015) [#7]
The problems we have found in Windows 10, with regard to compatibility with the system so have to go to the compatibility options and activate "The program starts but does not display correctly," this fixes the problem that full screen resolutions do not work correctly and if the resolution is only seen veery large part d ela screen toward the top left corner.

For some reason fullscreen resources my project last much longer to load than to do it in windowed mode.

Compatibility mode activated.
Res 1024 768

On the desk I'm on a resolution of 1280 x 960,

Compatibility mode OFF.

The window fills the entire desktop area.

If the program is running in full screen mode only part of the screen is displayed.

Full Screen compatibility mode OFF.

Full Screen compatibility mode ON

Murken(Posted 2015) [#8]
Sorry guys, in W10 my beloved Blitz can't get beyond
.bb program start -> flash IDE -> vanish
with no remnant of what transpired. (not even a puff of smoke.)

The strange thing is that it all worked fine for the first few days of the new OS. Big smiles from me! ... til now.

I've read some of your posts re DEP - no joy.
I updated the Blitz3D and even added BlitzPlus to verify - nup.

I think MS is out to get me, 'conform! come join us!!' but I like to hold on to some dignity. I don't actually write games but I use Blitz all the time for office apps coz I can do what I like with data and stuff. It is so flexible and hands on, hard not to love that!

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Rick Nasher(Posted 2015) [#9]
They have been doing some strange updates lately, causing all kind of mahem. I had to do a Windows Reset install, for FPS were suddenly 0.

Yue(Posted 2015) [#10]
Here everything works great, but I have the screen resolution problems where the executable created with Blitz3D, I have to activate the option: "The program starts but does not display correctly" in the debugger says it has corrected the applicationIt is incompatible.

Although actulizaci�n has come a new driver for my Nvidia card problem persists.

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#11]
Seen this once, when trying to run a Blitz3d executable created on Win10 on a Win7 machine. But it strangely appears to have resolved itself.