Where comes the line from...
Archives Forums/Blitz3D Bug Reports/Where comes the line from...
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That's the game NET-Me made by myself. If you start it there is a white line. WHY? AppTitle "NET Me" Global dome Local con.Entity,PickedType.Entity EndGraphics ClearWorld Graphics3D 800,600,0,2 Const envioren_coll=1,player_coll=2 Type Entity Field ent,sur,brush,tex,mirr Field info$,indo$,indone Field action$,input_type$,oaction$ End Type Type info Field txt$ End Type Type do Field txt$,self$ End Type player=CreateCube() Camera=CreateCamera(player) CameraClsMode Camera,1,1 CameraClsColor Camera,0,0,128 CameraRange Camera,1,200 PositionEntity Camera,0,1,0 CameraProjMode camera,1 CameraClsMode camera,1,1 EntityType player,player_coll PositionEntity player,0,2,0 plane=boden() mir=CreateMirror() light=CreateLight() TurnEntity light,90,0,0 Collisions player_coll,envioren_coll,2,3 dome=1 Repeat If KeyHit(41) FlushKeys SetBuffer FrontBuffer() Color 0,0,0 Rect 0,0,gfx(),FontHeight() Locate 0,0 Color 255,0,0 todo2.do=New do todo2\txt=Input(">") todo2\self="Player" SetBuffer BackBuffer() FlushKeys EndIf Select Play Case 0 Text gfx(2),gfy(2),"Press [ENTER] to start!",1,1 If KeyHit(28) play=1 Case 1 LoadWorld("default.wld") play=2 End Select If dome=1 If todo.do<>Null todo2.do=todo todo=After todo Delete todo2 Else todo.do=First do EndIf If todo<>Null res=Do(todo\txt,todo\self) i.info=New info:Insert i Before First info i\txt=todo\txt action$=todo\txt Repeat oaction$=action$;get old action to look for changing action=Replace(action,"%myself%",todo\self);Kill %myself% and get myself For countc.entity=Each entity;search... re$="%indo"+countc\info+"%";...to find and... action$=Replace(action,re,countc\indo);...to kill other variables Next Until oaction=action;Until nothing changed i.info=New info:Insert i Before First info i\txt=YesNo(res=1,"+","-")+">"+action EndIf Else todo=First do If todo<>todo2 i.info=New info:Insert i Before First info i\txt=todo\txt action$=todo\txt Repeat oaction$=action$;get old action to look for changing action=Replace(action,"%myself%",todo\self);Kill %myself% and get myself For countc.entity=Each entity;search... re$="%indo"+countc\info+"%";...to find and... action$=Replace(action,re,countc\indo);...to kill other variables Next Until oaction=action;Until nothing changed i.info=New info:Insert i Before First info i\txt="?>"+action EndIf If KeyHit(29) And todo<>Null res=Do(todo\txt,todo\self) i.info=New info:Insert i Before First info i\txt=YesNo(res=1,"+","-")+">"+action Delete todo EndIf If KeyHit(56) And todo<>Null i.info=New info:Insert i Before First info i\txt="X>"+action Delete todo EndIf todo2=todo EndIf ent=KeyHit(28)Or MouseHit(1) If con=Null CameraPick camera,400,400 For c.entity=Each entity Select c\input_type Case "Console" If ent And PickedType=c ent=0 Con=c txt$=con\indo work$="" time=MilliSecs() FlushKeys EndIf Case "Collide" For count=1 To 2 c\indo=EntityCollided(c\ent,count) If c\indo<>0 Then c\indone=1:Exit Next Case "OnOff" If ent And PickedType=c Con=c EndIf Case "Go" If ent And PickedType=c Con=c EndIf End Select If PickedEntity()=c\ent PickedType.entity=c EndIf UpdateObject(c) Next EndIf If con.Entity=Null If KeyDown(205) TurnEntity player,0,-1,0 ElseIf KeyDown(203) TurnEntity player,0,1,0 EndIf If KeyDown(200) TurnEntity camera,-1,0,0 ElseIf KeyDown(208) TurnEntity camera,1,0,0 EndIf TurnEntity camera,MouseYSpeed(),0,0 TurnEntity player,0,-MouseXSpeed(),0 MoveMouse 400,300 If KeyDown(17) MoveEntity player,0,0,0.1 EndIf If KeyDown(31) MoveEntity player,0,0,-.1 EndIf If KeyDown(32) MoveEntity player,0.1,0,0 EndIf If KeyDown(30) MoveEntity player,-.1,0,0 EndIf Else Select con\input_type Case "Console" If cur$="" cur=" " If time>MilliSecs()-100 time=MilliSecs() cur$=YesNo(a,"|"," ") a=Not a EndIf key$=Chr(GetKey()) If key=Chr(13) Or ent con\indo=txt+work con\indone=1 cur$="" FlushKeys ElseIf key=Chr(04) If work$<>"" work$=Right(work,Len(work)-1) EndIf ElseIf key=Chr(30) If work$<>"" txt$=txt$+Mid(work$,1,1) work$=Right(work,Len(work)-1) EndIf ElseIf key=Chr(31) If txt$<>"" work$=Mid(txt,Len(txt),1)+work txt$=Left(txt,Len(txt)-1) EndIf ElseIf key=Chr(27) txt$="" work$="" ElseIf key=Chr(08) If txt$<>"" txt$=Left(txt,Len(txt)-1) EndIf ElseIf key=Chr(0) Else txt$=txt+key time=MilliSecs() EndIf SetBuffer TextureBuffer(con\tex) Color 128,128,128 Rect 0,0,128,128 Color 0,0,0 Text 64,20,con\info,1,1 Rect 10,50,108,28,0 Text 64,64,txt+cur+work,1,1 If con\mirr Then mirror(0,0,128,128) SetBuffer BackBuffer() BrushTexture con\brush,con\tex PaintSurface GetSurface(con\ent,1),con\brush If cur="" con=Null Case "OnOff" con\indo=Not con\indo SetBuffer TextureBuffer(con\tex) If con\indo=1 Color 0,255,0 Else Color 255,0,0 EndIf Rect 0,0,128,128 If con\mirr Then mirror(0,0,128,128) SetBuffer BackBuffer() BrushTexture con\brush,con\tex PaintSurface GetSurface(con\ent,1),con\brush con\indone=1 con=Null Case "Go" con\indone=1 con=Null End Select EndIf TranslateEntity player,0,-0.1,0 count=0 bed=0 For i.info=Each info Color 255*(gfx(3)-count)/gfx(3),0,0 Text 0,count,i\txt If count>gfy(3) Delete i count=count+FontHeight()+1 Next If PickedEntity()<>0 ProjectEntity PickedEntity(),camera Color 255,0,0 Text ProjectedX(),ProjectedY(),"["+PickedType\info+"]",1,1 EndIf Color 255,0,0 Plot 400,400 Flip UpdateWorld RenderWorld Until KeyHit(1) ClearWorld EndGraphics End ;example mesh=CreateMesh() brush=CreateBrush(255,255,255) sur=CreateSurface(mesh,brush) v1=AddVertex(sur,-10,0,-100) v2=AddVertex(sur,+10,0,-100) v3=AddVertex(sur,-10,20,+100) v4=AddVertex(sur,+10,20,+100) For count=0 To 3 VertexColor sur,count,255,255,255 Next AddTriangle sur,v2,v1,v3 AddTriangle sur,v3,v4,v2 AddTriangle sur,v1,v2,v3 AddTriangle sur,v4,v3,v2 UpdateNormals mesh EntityType mesh,envioren_coll Dim Function_mirror_pix(0,0) Function mirror(sx,sy,w,h) Dim Function_mirror_pix(w,h) LockBuffer For y=0 To h For x=0 To w Function_mirror_pix(x,y)=ReadPixelFast(x+sx,y+sy) Next Next UnlockBuffer LockBuffer For y=0 To h For x=0 To w WritePixelFast x+sx,y+sy,Function_mirror_pix(w-x,y) Next Next UnlockBuffer End Function Function boden() tex=CreateTexture(128,128,8) SetBuffer TextureBuffer(tex) Color 0,0,100 Rect 0,0,128,128,1 Color 200,0,0 Rect 0,0,128+1,128+1,0 SetBuffer BackBuffer() plane=CreatePlane() EntityTexture plane,tex EntityAlpha plane,0.9 FreeTexture tex PositionEntity plane,.5,0,.5 EntityType plane,envioren_coll Return plane End Function Function Projectentity(ent,cam) CameraProject cam,EntityX(ent),EntityY(ent),EntityZ(ent) End Function Function YesNo$(bed,yes$=1,no$=0) If bed Return yes Else Return no EndIf End Function Function CreateConsole() m=CreateMesh() cu=CreateCube () b=CreateBrush(254,254,254) ;------------------------------------------------------------------ s=CreateSurface(m,b) ; Texture: x,y ;v0-----v1 } v0=AddVertex(s,-1,3,1 ,0,0); ;| t2 /| } v1=AddVertex(s,+1,3,1 ,1,0); ;| / | }Alles vorne v2=AddVertex(s,-1,1,-1 ,0,1); ;| / t3| } v3=AddVertex(s,+1,1,-1 ,1,1); ;v2-----v3 } t2=AddTriangle(s,v0,v1,v2) t3=AddTriangle(s,v2,v1,v3) ;------------------------------------------------------------------ b=CreateBrush(255,255,255) s=CreateSurface(m,b) ; ; v1 v0=AddVertex(s,1,1,-1); ; / | v1=AddVertex(s,1,3,1); ;Vorne<--- / t0 | v2=AddVertex(s,1,1,1); ; / | ; ; v0-----v2 ; ; ;v5 ;v1-----v5 } v3=AddVertex(s,-1,1,-1); ;| \ ;| \ t4| } v4=AddVertex(s,-1,1,1); ;| t1 \ --->Vorne ;| \ | }Alles hinten v5=AddVertex(s,-1,3,1); ;| \ ;| t5 \| } ; ;v4------v3 ;v2-----v4 } t0=AddTriangle(s,v0,v1,v2) t1=AddTriangle(s,v3,v4,v5) t2=AddTriangle(s,v4,v1,v5) t3=AddTriangle(s,v1,v4,v2) ;------------------------------------------------------------------- AddMesh cu,m FreeEntity cu ScaleEntity m,0.5,0.5,0.5 PositionMesh m,0,1,0 EntityType m,envioren_coll EntityPickMode m,2,1 UpdateNormals m Return m End Function Function AfterLast$(txt$,find$) While Not Instr(txt,find)=0 txt=Mid(txt,Instr(txt,find)+Len(find)) Wend Return txt End Function Function Between$(s$,b$,e$,fl=1) f=Instr( s,b,fl )+Len(b) l=Instr( s,e,f ) r$=Mid( s,f,l-f) Return r End Function Function UpdateObject(c.entity) If c\indone todo.do=New do todo\txt=c\action todo\self=c\info EndIf c\indone=0;stop doing after ... doing End Function Function Do(action$,me$="") RenderWorld Text 400,300,"Buisy",1,1 Flip ;Variable-Update Repeat oaction$=action$;get old action to look for changing action=Replace(action,"%myself%",me);Kill %myself% and get myself For countc.entity=Each entity;search... re$="%indo"+countc\info+"%";...to find and... action$=Replace(action,re,countc\indo);...to kill other variables Next Until oaction=action;Until nothing changed ;Do something If Instr(action,"Login")=1;login to a game If net<>0 StopNetGame;Stop old one - if there is one - game$=between(action," "," ");get game-name ip$=Afterlast(action," ");get host-ip net=JoinNetGame(game,ip);do it If net<>0 res=True EndIf If Instr(action,"Host")=1;Host a game If net<>0 StopNetGame;Stop old one - if there is one - game$=Afterlast(action," ");get game-name net=HostNetGame(game);host it! If net<>0 res=True EndIf If Instr(action,"Refresh")=1;Refresh state of all objects refresh res=True EndIf If Instr(action,"Dome No")=1;Refresh state of all objects dome=0 res=True EndIf If Instr(action,"Dome Yes")=1;Refresh state of all objects dome=1 res=True EndIf If Instr(action,"Load")=1;load an object name$=between(action," "," "); fn$=between(action,name+" "," "); typ$=afterlast(action," "); c.Entity=New Entity Select True Case fn="<AutoSphere>" c\ent=CreateSphere() Case fn="<AutoConsole>" c\ent=CreateConsole() Case Instr(fn,"<BSP>")=1 c\ent=LoadBSP(afterlast(fn,">")) Default c\ent=LoadMesh(fn) End Select If c\ent=0 Delete c res=False Else c\brush=CreateBrush(255,255,255) c\tex=CreateTexture(128,128) c\info=name c\input_type=typ$ c\indo="" res=True EndIf EndIf If Instr(action,"Do")=1;Indone obj$=between(action," "," ");get the Object For countc.entity=Each entity;search for the obj If obj=countc\info Or obj="";if found... or all are selected countc\indone=1;DO IT! EndIf; } Next; }Close res=True EndIf; } If Instr(action,"SetAction")=1;Set the Action of sth obj$=between(action," "," ");get the Object newaction$=between(action,Chr(34),Chr(34));get new action newaction=Replace(newaction,"$","%");get new action For countc.entity=Each entity;search for the obj If obj=countc\info;if found... countc\action=newaction;DO IT! res=True EndIf; } Next; }Close EndIf; } If Instr(action,"SetIndo")=1;Set the Indo of sth obj$=between(action," "," ");get the Object newindo$=Afterlast(action," ");get new indo For countc.entity=Each entity;search for the obj If obj=countc\info;if found... countc\indo=newindo;DO IT! res=True EndIf; } Next; }Close EndIf; } If Instr(action,"Place")=1;Place sth. whereever obj$=Between(action,"Place "," ");get that sth. x$=Between(action,"Place "+obj+" "," ");get x-coord y$=Between(action,"Place "+obj+" "+x+" "," ");get y-coord z$=AfterLast(action," ");get z-coord For countc.entity=Each entity;search for that !sth! If obj=countc\info;if that sth.is curr object PositionEntity countc\ent,x,y,z;DO IT res=True EndIf; } Next; }Close EndIf; } If Instr(action,"Turn")=1;Place sth. whereever obj$=Between(action,"Turn "," ");get that sth. x$=Between(action,"Turn "+obj+" "," ");get x-coord y$=Between(action,"Turn "+obj+" "+x+" "," ");get y-coord z$=AfterLast(action," ");get z-coord For countc.entity=Each entity;search for that !sth! If obj=countc\info;if that sth.is curr object TurnEntity countc\ent,x,y,z;DO IT res=True EndIf; } Next; }Close EndIf; } If Instr(action,"Rotate")=1;Place sth. whereever obj$=Between(action,"Rotate "," ");get that sth. x$=Between(action,"Rotate "+obj+" "," ");get x-coord y$=Between(action,"Rotate "+obj+" "+x+" "," ");get y-coord z$=AfterLast(action," ");get z-coord For countc.entity=Each entity;search for that !sth! If obj=countc\info;if that sth.is curr object RotateEntity countc\ent,x,y,z;DO IT res=True EndIf; } Next; }Close EndIf; } If Instr(action,"If")=1;IMPORTANT: IF!! strBed$=Between(action,"If"," Then");get the condition strVar1$=Between(strBed$," "," "); first var strVar2$=Afterlast(strBed$," "); sercond var If strVar1=strVar2;equal? res=Do(Between(action,"Then "," Else"));do the action between Then And else Else res=Do(Afterlast(action$,"Else "));do the action with else case EndIf EndIf Return res End Function Function LoadWorld(filen$) file=ReadFile(filen) If file=0 Return Repeat todo.do=New do todo\txt=ReadLine(file) todo\self=filen Until Eof(file) Return End Function Function gfx(divide=1) Return GraphicsWidth()/divide End Function Function gfy(divide=1) Return GraphicsHeight()/divide End Function Function refresh() For con.entity=Each entity Select con\input_type Case "Console" SetBuffer TextureBuffer(con\tex) Color 128,128,128 Rect 0,0,128,128 Color 0,0,0 Text 64,20,con\info,1,1 Rect 10,50,108,28,0 Text 64,64,con\indo,1,1 If con\mirr Then mirror(0,0,128,128) SetBuffer BackBuffer() BrushTexture con\brush,con\tex PaintSurface GetSurface(con\ent,1),con\brush Case "OnOff" SetBuffer TextureBuffer(con\tex) If con\indo=1 Color 0,255,0 Else Color 255,0,0 EndIf Rect 0,0,128,128 If con\mirr Then mirror(0,0,128,128) SetBuffer BackBuffer() BrushTexture con\brush,con\tex PaintSurface GetSurface(con\ent,1),con\brush Case "Go" End Select Next End Function |
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If I make a shorter version the line disappears... sometimes there is a mystical texture on the plane (only windowed) |
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this AppTitle "NET Me" Global dome Local con.Entity,PickedType.Entity EndGraphics ClearWorld Graphics3D 800,600,0,2 doesn't make much sense to me, no need to EndGraphics and ClearWorld before you actually init the Grahics3D. Then, after Grahics3D you should imedialtely set the backbuffer. Not setting a buffer may sometimes result in mysterious pixel garbage. |
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Setting Graphics3d automatically draws to backbuffer, it's only required after setting 2d graphics modes. I suspect that the line is too thin to show up all the time + 128+1 is drawing outside the texture!! tex=CreateTexture(128,128,8) SetBuffer TextureBuffer(tex) Color 0,0,100 Rect 0,0,128,128,1 Color 200,0,0 Rect 0,0,128+1,128+1,0 SetBuffer BackBuffer() Change this to .. tex=CreateTexture(128,128,8) SetBuffer TextureBuffer(tex) Color 0,0,100 Rect 0,0,128,128,1 Color 200,0,0 Rect 0,0,128,128,0 Rect 1,1,126,126,0 SetBuffer BackBuffer() Anywho, why on earth is this in the bug reports?! |
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" Setting Graphics3d automatically draws to backbuffer," Negative. I'am sure some things are acting bugous if not set. I'm not talking about plain drawing, but some sys internal stuff, like if you use CameraClsMode to prevent overwriting the background. Probaby this is even card specific. |
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This game is tallented to do mistakes: 1. without the EndGraphics ClearWorld the code won't run in B3D demo... 2. Rect 0,0,128+1,128+1,0 is a shorter version of Line 0,0,128,0 Line 0,0,0,128 3. I needn't Setbuffer Backbuffer because of painting textures is doing this. 4. The big problem is a white(!!) line whitch appers on MY screen. PS i hope i made no mistakes while writing |
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Do you have a screenshot 'cos I've no idea what you're on about? Stevie |
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There is a one-pixel line look: fscom.fs.funpic.de\Untitled.bmp |
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this white line does not appear on my system. |
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It doesn't appear on my system either - looks like it's representing the horizon though. 2. Rect 0,0,128+1,128+1,0 is a shorter version of Line 0,0,128,0 Line 0,0,0,128 It may well be but in both instances you're still writing outwith the texturebuffer which can give you issues on some graphics cards. Anyway, it's clear that this isn't a bug so should really be on this forum. Stevie |