Inconsistencies with "Id" and "IP" abbreviations
Archives Forums/BlitzMax Bug Reports/Inconsistencies with "Id" and "IP" abbreviations
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The abbreviation "Id" is written with a lower-case "d" in all documented identifiers in the brl and pub module scope, e.g AllocUserEventId, AllocHookId, TTypeId, ObjectTypeId, ... - with a single exception: "EventID" ...why is the "D" capitalized this time? I assume this occurred mistakenly. The same is with "IP" - it's always written with capitalized "P": DottedIP, SocketLocalIP, SocketRemoteIP, ... - with only two exceptions: "HostIp" and "HostIps" This is not a major bug, but after all it is still a lack of consistency. |
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Probably not enough to move it to the front burner, as it were, in the bug-squashing department... ;) Besides, the docs have much bigger problems than a mistyped letter here and there... Like actual missing information\examples\Search capability... Russell |