HOWTO : Mandriva 2005 LE
Archives Forums/Linux Discussion/HOWTO : Mandriva 2005 LE
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As you may have seen in other topics on this forum, on Linux distributions (other than Ubuntu), you shall encounter difficulties ruuning BlitzMax, having errors like 'sh: g++-3.3 not found' or 'sh: gcc-3.3 not found'. The same problem happens on Mandriva Linux, because it is built upon on GCC v. 3.4.3, instead of GCC 3.3 upon which rely BlitzMax. While the only legacy version of GCC supported by Mandriva is the archaic 2.9, here is the trick I used to make BlitzMax work on my own system: 1. open a shell window, then 'su' to root 2. locate the directory where the g++ command is by typing 'whereis g++' (on a stock Mandriva, it shall be /usr/bin) 3. cd to that directory 4. type 'ln -s g++ g++-3.3' to make BlitzMax believe your current C++ compiler is the version it wants 5. type 'ln -s gcc gcc-3.3' to do the same for the C compiler, also needed by BlitzMax 6. exit your su shell, and launch MaxIDE 7. in MaxIDE, open the 'Project' menu, and launch 'Rebuild all modules', then wait for this operation to finish (it should takes some minutes) voilą! BlitzMax compiler should now run fine on your system! Note that this method should work for any Linux distro relying on a 3.xx version of GCC. I don't know if it will also work with future major versions like GCC v. 4+; but it will surely fail with GCC v. 2 or less (too much features missing). |