test: dancingplobb mac

Archives Forums/MacOS X Discussion/test: dancingplobb mac

Spot-Nothing(Posted 2006) [#1]
hi all,

we're in progress of developing a crossplatform game development module called 'spritemax' handling visual effects, collisions etc. we'd warmly welcome some fps rates from the osx community.

osx version: http://download.preview.ch/dancingplobb.sit

thank you very much!

WendellM(Posted 2006) [#2]
Minimum 109 FPS
Maximum 193 FPS
on my 512 meg, 933 MHz G4 with 64 meg GeForce4 MX at 32-bit 1024x768 under 10.3.9.

Very smooth and very trippy! <g>

pls(Posted 2006) [#3]
FPS Min=58
FPS Max=98
sprite max=661

SetTransform TEST (repeat 1000000 times):
'optimized' transform: 2478 ms
'standard' transform: 2520 ms

On my iBook G4 800mhz (ATI 32mb vram). Very smooth and looks amazing.


RiK(Posted 2006) [#4]
FPS Min=447
FPS Max=1240
sprite max=661

SetTransform TEST (repeat 1000000 times):
'optimized' transform: 665 ms
'standard' transform: 787 ms

Specs as below

Nice work guys, look forward to seeing this!