Framework Assistant v2.08 for Intel+PPC

Archives Forums/MacOS X Discussion/Framework Assistant v2.08 for Intel+PPC

EOF(Posted 2007) [#1]
Mac Owners,
I have 2 versions of Framework Assistant for you guys to test.

I believe there are a couple of issues though:

1) Setting the ROOT folder (from the MAX) menu fails.
2) Links in the generated output fail.

I have no idea how the Mac file system works. If you can give me a few pointers I might be able to work something out. You can check the 'results.htm' generated file to see if the links look right. the file will be in the same folder as the FA executable.

At the moment I cannot upload to my website because I am working abroad. However, email me at the following address and request one or both of the following:

FrameWork Assistant v2.08 - Intel
FrameWork Assistant v2.08 - PPC

Email: config2000 <> hotmail <> com

Brucey(Posted 2007) [#2]
The Mac file system is essentially the same as Linux.

/ is the root folder, for example.

Apps tend to go in /Applications.

BlitzMax's default install location (if I'm not mistaken), is /Applications/BlitzMax

A user folder can be found either by




(which translates to the same as above)



Tricky(Posted 2007) [#3]
MAC OS X and Linux are both based on UNIX, and thus using the UNIX file system. So I think Brucey said the most important things

I'll be delighted to test out the Mac Version of FA, as I've been waiting for it very long. I'll e-mail you soon.

MacSven(Posted 2007) [#4]
Please send it to me:
