New to Macs - looking for image editor

Archives Forums/MacOS X Discussion/New to Macs - looking for image editor

ubergeek(Posted 2009) [#1]
I just got a Mac Mini for iPhone and BlitzMax development, and was working through a tutorial when I noticed that there is no Paint equivalent on Mac! I use Paint all the time in Windows, and I thought that Mac would have something similar.

I looked on Apple's website, and it looks like there might be something like that in iWork '08, which I don't have.

I know Photoshop runs on Mac, but I already have it for Windows (and it's a bit too slow on my Windows rig, and the Mac Mini has much lower specs).

This is my first Mac, so I don't know where to find software like this, besides the Apple Store.

So, I'm looking for a lightweight, simple image editing tool, like Paint, but for Macs. What do you use?


Brucey(Posted 2009) [#2]
Graphic Converter is a reasonable image editor.

I prefer Fireworks, but it's a bit bigger than "lightweight".
There are lots more though... ask Google :-)

ubergeek(Posted 2009) [#3]

...Is there anything that's free or open source? I remember reading something in CPU Mag about a free, online souped-up version of Paint, but I can't remember what it was called, or if it was cross platform.

ask Google :-)

That can be dangerous - sometimes it's hard to tell if it's legit software or a virus/malware/adware/etc. That's why I'm asking here. :-)


QuickSilva(Posted 2009) [#4]
Pixen looks pretty good if you are after something pixel based.

Or how about Gimp?


matty47(Posted 2009) [#5]
Second Pixen for pixel based. Can also do animations.
You could try Seashore which does not require X-Windows and is based on Gimp code (according to the docs)
Works for me

Sauer(Posted 2009) [#6]
I used to use MS Paint for everything, but now I have switched to more powerful SUMO Paint... it runs in your browser and can do some pretty cool stuff, yet isn't extremely confusing to use.

ubergeek(Posted 2009) [#7]
Thanks everyone!!

Pixen looks exactly like what I need! And I didn't know Gimp ran on OSX - that's great.

I would be a bit nervous working in a browser - doesn't seem like that would be safe..

One other question. I'm extremely new to Macs - do I need any antivirus/antispyware software? Or are there even any viruses for OSX? Windows constantly bugs me to update my security software, but there's nothing like that with OSX.


Sauer(Posted 2009) [#8]
Malware developers wouldn't waste their time on Macintosh computers. That's the myth at least... "Macs don't get viruses"

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2009) [#9]
I found pixen to be very primitive and very slow.

I recommend Gimp, but also GimpShop is a reconfiguration of the gimp gui to be more photoshop-like.

I'll also second graphic converter but it's not entirely as user-friendly as it could be, but does convert files well.

ubergeek(Posted 2009) [#10]
Okay, I think that answered most of my questions. I'll look at the various options for an image editor. Thanks everyone!

pls(Posted 2009) [#11]
I use pixelmator...

Not free, but very nice...


JaviCervera(Posted 2009) [#12]
Yeah, Pixelmator rocks.