Mysterious 'deactivate all' bug (Mac)
Archives Forums/MaxGUI Bug Reports/Mysterious 'deactivate all' bug (Mac)
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This has happened to me on several apps of mine using MaxGUI, but I also noticed MaxIDE suffers from this issue (which I first believed to be a bug in MaxIDE itself, but now I strongly believe it's MaxGUI). The bug has now happened to me in as well Snow Leopard, Mountain Lion and Yosemite in MaxIDE, recently I saw my own apps using MaxGUI suffer. (I think I also saw this happen in Tiger and Leopard, but that's too long ago to remember for sure) It mostly happens after switching between a full screen (BlitzMax) app and the MacOS X screen. Then all windows of the application get deactivated or disabled or whatever. If the app uses pull-down menus those are also all disabled except for the "Quit <myapp>" in the app menu and the app also takes notice to the window close icon. If I quit the app in question and run it again everything appears to be alright. When I run Max2D apps in "windowed" mode, this never happens. I've not yet given this a full try with full screen apps not written in BlitzMax, though (mostly because I don't switch a lot in screen modes with BMax apps in them) :) |
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I suspect Max2D fullscreen mode is now showing it's age. Apple have changed things twice since the 10.3 implementation uses. These days they don't want you owning the device and so expect most implementation to use a window topmost system. However, in the unlikely scenario you are use OnKeyDown or OnMouseDown and not Up or Hit version instead to quit your app, you may need to fix your app. It can confuse an OS if an application quits part way through a click or press event stream. |