A very easily reproducible and fatal error on OSX
Archives Forums/MaxGUI Bug Reports/A very easily reproducible and fatal error on OSX
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I have no idea why, but calling RequestFile() any time after calling PopupWindowMenu() results in a crash:Strict Import MaxGui.Drivers Local menu:TGadget Local window:TGadget Local panel:TGadget menu=CreateMenu("popup",0,Null) CreateMenu("Load",101,menu) CreateMenu("Save",102,menu) window=CreateWindow("Test PopupWindowMenu",20,20,200,200) panel=CreatePanel(0,0,ClientWidth(window),ClientHeight(window),window,PANEL_ACTIVE) While True WaitEvent Select EventID() Case EVENT_MOUSEDOWN If EventData()=2 PopupWindowMenu window,menu Case EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE End Case EVENT_MENUACTION Print "EVENT_MENUACTION: eventdata()="+EventData() RequestFile("Open") End Select Wend Building untitled1 Compiling:untitled1.bmx Linking:untitled1.debug Executing:untitled1.debug EVENT_MENUACTION: eventdata()=101 SCFinderPlugin(114): Unable to get bundle identifier. Process complete |
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It seems this was caused by SCFinderPlugin, which is known to cause other apps to crash. I deleted this and it works fine now. |