Please Help (Win32)
Archives Forums/Win32 Discussion/Please Help (Win32)
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Hi guys, I am a new comer in the Blitz community and was very excited about the release of Blitzmax as it has some Object Oriented features. However, I can´t manage to run the samples with the Beta Win32 release. As I try to synchronize the modules, I get the following output which is pretty everything I can get. Synchronize Modules bmk commandline error Usage: bmk operation [options] [parameters] Operations: makeapp Make application makemods Make modules cleanmods clean modules listmods List modules modstatus Module status syncmods Synchronize modules zapmod Zap module unzapmod Unzap module ranlibdir ranlib dirtree (MacOS) docmods Create module docs syncdocs Synchronize doc indexes convertbb Convert .bb file to .bmx Options: -q Quiet mode -v Verbose mode -a Make all -d Debug mode -r Release mode -k Kill source (danger!) -o outputfile Specify output file -f framework Specify framework Process complete My mod directory stays desperatly empty. I dont´t really know what to do now. I am under XP Home Edition. Thank you for your help. |
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give us the full directory of blitzmax ! you musn't have empty space in it |
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Hi Flaith, Thanks for looking at my case. Here is where I placed Blitzmax on my PC. C:\BlitzMaxBeta101 I am afraid that the empty space is not the problem here. Any other idea? Thanks |
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I think a more likely explanation is the space in your user name. So try, temporarily, changing the user name to something with no space. |
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Hi Floyd. As I registered I gave my First Name and Surname to be provided with a key. So there is a space in between there. However it seems that my key was computed on this information and I need to enter it. Otherwise I receive a "Username or password not recognised" message. I tried to change the data of my profile but it doesn´t work... Well, any other idea? Thanks |
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check properties of your directory. Is your windows account log as an admin ? |
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Hi, Yes, my window account is an admin one. The properties of my directory was initially on a Read Only Mode. I changed it to enable some writing, including the subdirectories, and tried again to sync the modules but without success. However as I try to check the status of my directory, it is set again to Read only. So I changed it again and again the status changed back to read only (or is it just a proposition from Windows ?) .... Does it ring a bell ? Thxs |
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When you check properties of your directory, have you got the "security" tab ? if yes that mean you're in NTFS, and you must enabled all the authorizations. In the name you certainly have "everybody". (don't know exactly if its the right term, i have a French Version) |
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I had this exact same problem... and it was because I was adding a space to my username! :) |
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Well, I have a German Windows version but I am French (too?). It is a long story... :-) I have the security tab, what should I do? Merci |
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de rien :) bon, cool, ca va etre plus simple. tu as la liste des utilisateurs qui ont les droits sur ce rep. Normalement tu as "tout le monde" (et que lui), et dessous il doit y avoir une liste avec des cases à cocher (tout doit être accepté). |
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Ok, je viens de faire les modifs que tu proposes, maintenant l´icone du repertoire a changé, il y a une main juste en dessous. Comme si ce repertoire etait tendu par une main. J´ai l´impression que mes soucis ici viennent du fait que ma clef est basée sur mon prenom + un espace + mon nom de famille.J´ai bien essayé de mettre à jour mon profile, mais cela ne marche pas terrible. T´en penses quoi? Et merci encore.. |
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une main ??? bon, autre proposition : Créé un nouveau rep. c:\Blitmax vérifie que tu es bien en lecture/ecriture, et décompresse ensuite, dans ce nouveau rep., le zip que tu as téléchargé et re-vérifie si tu as les droits de lecture/ecriture ! |
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desole, je dois filer, ma copine me gueule deja dessus... :-))) Merci pour ton aide flaith. J´essaierai de regler ce prob plus tard. a+ |
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héhé ;) ok @+ |
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*frantically hits "English/ UK" Language Button..... ... Mark... Si.... Whoever does the site.... Look up , your language code has failed and the site keeps turning french half way down this page!!! ;) |
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LOL :D |
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Un peu de Molière ça fait pas de mal. ;) |
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Hi, Use 'edit profile' on the 'account' page to remove the space from your username. |
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I wonder if he's misunderstanding username? his username doesn't have any spaces in it. Nennig, when you are asked for your username and password during the module synchronising, you should enter the following (not your real name): Username: Nennig Password: <the password you log in with> [edit] Ah sorry Nennig - Perturbatio and Mark are right, your username and nickname are two different things depending on how you entered them. You probably have your real name as your username, change it to 'Nennig' as Mark described. |
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your username is not the same (usually) as your forum nickname, I know mine isn't. |
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Hi guys, It finally works. I mixed up my password to login and the activation key I received at the purchase. Sorry..... ;-) Thanks a lot for your help. I am glad to be onboard now. bye |
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your username is not the same (usually) as your forum nickname, I know mine isn't. For real? |
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For real? ummm... yes. |
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then this only holds for "old" costumers. |
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having a username seperate from your nickname makes your account more secure (since it's unlikely that people will be able to randomly guess your username). |