advapi32.dll - File permissions
Archives Forums/Win32 Discussion/advapi32.dll - File permissions
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Hi I am writting a Backup tool, everything works well, but as you know, BB's CopyFile does not care about File permissions. I found out that the Library "advapi32" does such stuff. SetFileSecuirty and GetFileSecurity my decls looks like this .lib "advapi32.dll" GetFileSecurityA%(lpFileName*, info% ):"GetFileSecurityA" So im trying to use that function like this: f_string$=("D:\liste.xls") len_f_string=Len(f_string$) len_f_string=len_f_string+1 Print len_f_string fh=CreateBank(len_f_string) For i= 0 To len_f_string-1 PokeByte(fh,i,Chr(Mid(f_string$,1,1))) Next GetFileSecurityA%(fh, 1) But i dont get it to work at all. So my question is, does anybody know the WinApi good? Could you please help me, im new to this stuff and i am pretty lost. Thank you very much, greetings ozzi |
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Tip: use <code> or <codebox> tags around oyur code, using [ and ]instead of < and > :) ---- I can't offer much help, except for GetFileSecurityA%(fh, 1) This seems to be returning a value. So you may want to check that with Sec%=GetFileSecurityA%(fh, 1) Print Str(Sec%) Also, someone with more knowledge than me may be able to clarify, but I am not sure if passing the bytes for the filepath is the way to give the file to the function. You may need to use a separate dll function to get the file as a handle or something first??? |
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Hi Ok sorry i will use that next time. Yeah i forgot, but i knew that it returns a value, but it did never work properly, for they are some optional parameters that i dont really understand. I made a little workaround, using the tool fileacl, it does just the same ;) Somebody told me to pass the bytes like that, i think that should be correct... Anyway, thanks for your time :) |