Black & White color values

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Black & White color values

RusWilson(Posted 2002) [#1]
What are the best color values for Black and White objects (instead of 0-0-0 and 255-255-255), so as to have shades of each left over for highlighting and shadows falling on them?

Thanks for any tips!

SoggyP(Posted 2002) [#2]
Hi Rus,

Do you mean like a tooth, whitish, but still able to have a whiter highlight? I don't know ;-)

I think you've got to decide what sort of lighting you want in your environment and work from there. Ideally, go into a paint package draw a purple shape and put a white highlight on it. You can then change the purple with a fill to any colour you want until you get in the right sort of area.

Not much of a reply, but I hope it helps,



jfk EO-11110(Posted 2002) [#3]
It depends on your AmbientLight. I'd reccomend to use Ambientlight 127,127,127 and then use 255-255-255 for white and 127-127-127 for "black" but I guess you have to find that black value experimentally. But wihte can be 255 - it will only be full white when a light is shining directly onto it (when ambientlight is lowered).

c h i e f y(Posted 2002) [#4]
RGB colour chart

unfortunately Brice removed his legendary colour chart from this thread (twice already).... this is what he does when he gets in a huff .... but there are still some crumbs left behind which maybe some help, if not, tough

Rob Farley(Posted 2002) [#5]
Here's a colour Picker I put in the code Archives you click around and it puts the RGB in the debug log.

Miracle(Posted 2002) [#6]
To create any shade of gray, just make all three RGB values equal. However, nothing in the real world is 100% black or 100% white (or, for that matter, 100% red etc.) so avoid extremes. I tend to make my whites in the 240 range and blacks closer to 10. If you want to make a white appear even "brighter", try turning up the blue just one or two points higher than the others.

c h i e f y(Posted 2003) [#7]
Dr Av m8, I assume that you have some medical qualifications or at least a first aid certificate right? what do I do about a veruca that is stubbornly refusing to shift? it has resisted corn pads, TCP and a lighter turned up FULL BLAST after I'd had 3 scotches too many