Animate Meshes
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Animate Meshes
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How do I create a animated mesh in rhino3d or milkshape3d and how I create joints for the animation... Andhow do you load b3d files from maplet? \\Lars |
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I'm not familiar with rhino3d (is that the NURBS modeling package? If it is I don't think it supports animation) but for Milkshape read the tutorials listed at the Milkshape website. In particular read the ones by Scarecrow. You might also want to look into CharacterFX. It is a high quality and very cheap animation tool which exports directly to b3d. |
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Okej I wil try CharacterFX, does it work to load 3ds files into CharacterFX and then animate it? //Prajt |
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Rhino doesn't even do animation. Refer to the milkshape forums and tips on how to animate in milkshape. Character FX is an animation package, Milkshape is an animation and modelling package. You cannot load b3d files from maplet into any other program at present. Only Blitz. |
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Well you can load b3d files in Ultimate Unwrap and then export to other file formats (eg. 3ds) from there. Note that lightmaps aren't supported. Brad asked me questions about use of the second UV set a week ago so he may be working on adding that (and thus lightmaps) but at the moment Ultimate Unwrap only supports the main texture channel. You can load 3ds files in CharacterFX but I wouldn't really recommend it. Depending on the source, loading 3ds files can make CharacterFX behave pretty flaky. I generally export from Milkshape to Milkshape ASCII format (which CharacterFX can import.) |
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Prajt, have you gotten ms3d joints to work yet? |
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Prajt, If you open Milkshape's Help from the Menu Bar, and go to Contents, there are tutorials there, including skeleton setup and animation (even covers a good technique for creating a walk cycle)... Hope it helps.. |
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I love milkshape for animation. Once you add the joints and select the vertices to the joints (this took me a few trys to get it right) just select the group then switch to the joint menu, click select group,then clikc the joint(it'll flash once) then click select assigned and each joint should work properly. Once you get the joints all set all you have to do is goto animation mode. Note you may wish to set the total keyframes too, it assumes 30. And say you go from joine 1,to 2, to 3 to 4. if you've got 30 as the max...and your on joint 3.0,first change it to 13.0, then 14.0 then 4.0, if you put in the 4 first it goes out of sequence, you'll see its a little buggy, but set each animation frame, etc. If you still need any help from the tutorials let us know. |
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Okey now it works. I thought it would be more complicated but it went real good. Thanks for helping! |