Restore ? Data list_of_values
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Restore ? Data list_of_values
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Here is a example of how to do Restore? But I want to get data from a text.txt file? My question is how can I read from a file? .startData ;something like this test=Read( "test.txt" ) ??? Print "Here we go!" ; Restore to the start of the Data statements Restore startData ; Get the first number which is the total number of users Read Users ; Print them all! For T = 1 To Users Read firstname$ Read age Read accuracy# Read lastname$ Print firstname$ + " " + lastname$ + " is " + age + " years old with " + accuracy# + " accuracy!" Next While Not KeyHit(1) Wend End .startData Data 3 Data "Shane", 31, 33.3333, "Monroe" Data "Bob", 28, 12.25, "Smith" Data "Roger", 54, 66.66, "Rabbit" |
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Um, did you actually look in the command reference? (okay, I guess you did if you got your other code example from there). Anyway, look under "file" for all your file commands... then look up the command, "readfile"... there is a complete working example program there. |
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You'll want to have your code check for commas (ones that are not enclosed in quotation marks) and grab the data from it. If there is a certain layout to your text document this becomes all the more easier. |