A newbie question
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/A newbie question
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Hi, As said in the topic title, I am a newbie so my question could be fun for dinos :) I want to make a tetris like for my fun. In this example, left arrow allows to go to the left, right arrow to the right and down arrow allows to drop the piece. I've no problem with this. The problem is for the rotate key (up arrow). In fact, I have four BMP for my piece. The first is the "normal" piece, the second is the normal piece rotated@90°, the third is rotated@180° and the last is rotated@270°. So, I decided to write my code like this : if uparrow is pressed and the piece is normal, then change the normal piece into the rotated@90 one. If uparrow is pressed and the piece is the rotated@90 one, then change the rotated@90 by the rotated@180 etc. I hope you follow what I mean. This is the code : Forme_T=LoadImage ("data/skins/defaut/t.bmp") Forme_T_R1=LoadImage ("data/skins/defaut/t_r1.bmp") Forme_T_R2=LoadImage ("data/skins/defaut/t_r2.bmp") Forme_T_R3=LoadImage ("data/skins/defaut/t_r3.bmp") While Not KeyHit (1) Cls DrawImage (Fond2j,0,0); Draw a background image Text 0,0,"Tetris New Version 0.002"; A great title, isn't it ? :p DepartPieceY=DepartPieceY+PieceMvtY If DepartPieceY>=490 DepartPieceY=490 PieceMvty=0 EndIf If Forme_T=Forme_T And KeyHit(Fleche_Haut)=1 Then ; Forme_T=Forme_T_R1 ElseIf Forme_T=Forme_T_R1 And KeyHit(Fleche_Haut)=1 Then Forme_T=Forme_T_R2 ElseIf Forme_T=Forme_T_R2 And KeyHit(Fleche_Haut)=1 Then Forme_T=Forme_T_R3 ElseIf Forme_T=Forme_T_R3 And KeyHit(Fleche_Haut)=1 Then Forme_T=Forme_T EndIf If KeyHit(Fleche_Gauche)=1 DepartPieceX=DepartPieceX-30 EndIf If KeyHit(Fleche_Droite)=1 DepartPieceX=DepartPieceX+30 EndIf If KeyHit(Fleche_Bas)=1 PieceMvty=50 EndIf If DepartPieceX<=50 DepartPieceX=50 EndIf If DepartPieceX>=260 DepartPieceX=260 EndIf DrawImage (Forme_T,DepartPieceX,DepartPieceY) Flip Wend So, everything works fine but the rotation. When I press the key, the piece rotate (Forme_T becomes Forme_T_R1) but if I press the key again, nothing happens... Please, can you help me ? |
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I would store your images in an array and then have a 'direction' variable that keeps track of which one to show. Set up your images like this: Dim t(3) Global dir=0 t(0)=LoadImage("t0.bmp") t(1)=LoadImage("t1.bmp") t(2)=LoadImage("t2.bmp") t(3)=LoadImage("t3.bmp") Then when checking for the rotation key, just add 1 to dir and check if it's higher than 3. If so, reset it to 0... If KeyHit(200) Then dir=dir+1 If dir>3 Then dir=0 EndIf The above can also be made a lot shorter by the use of the Mod operator. If KeyHit(200) Then dir=(dir+1) Mod 4 Hope that helps. |
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I just tried your code and it now works perfectly, thank you very much for the speed and the quality of your ansnwer. For the Mod Operator, I'll see later :) I'll soon have other questions I guess... Thank you again JazzieB |
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JazzieB's answer was excellent. I wanted to add a thought, just on general principle, on why you were having problems with your orginal code. You needed to have a separate variable to store the current image handle. In your original line below: If Forme_T=Forme_T And KeyHit(Fleche_Haut)=1 Then ; you had problems immediately. You see, you loaded the default image handle into Forme_T. Then, you re-used that variable to store the handles for the other images. The moment you assigned a different image handle into Forme_T (such as: Forme_T=Forme_T_R3), you lost the handle for the default image. |