2D background for a 3D animation

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/2D background for a 3D animation

Arno94(Posted 2003) [#1]

Here's another newbie question. I wanted to try a little effect to include in a future creation. It's very simple (even I could program it :).

So, the effect is 3D letters coming from the center of the screen and zooming until going out of the screen. I had no problem to do this but, later, I just wanted to add a 2D background but everything I tried didn't work :/

Hmm, as I am typing my question, I have an idea of answer. So, my idea is : perhaps, because I'm in a 3D world, the only way to render a 2d background is to create a plane and to texture it with the 2d image I want... Wrong ? Right ?

Thank you for your help

jhocking(Posted 2003) [#2]
I don't think that is the only way but it would probably be the best way, so that everything was being done with 3D graphics and is resolution independent. The other approach I can think of would be to draw the 2D image first every frame and then Renderworld without clearing the screen to draw the 3D letters on top, but the disadvantages are that, well, it doesn't have the advantages I mentioned above.

Arno94(Posted 2003) [#3]
Thanks, these ideas sound good for the exemple of a 2d background but let's imagine we have a game like skidmarks (programmed with blitz2d). The user buys Blitz3D then he wants to add a 3d countdown while, in the background, the player can see the circuit, cars and any 2d animations there could be. Is it possible ?

In fact, my question could be resumed by : "is it possible to mix 2d and 3d blitz commands?". Since I've started to learn Blitz (a few weeks, yes I know I'm slow :p), I think it's better to make 3d effects in 2d games by using 2d commands and to make 2d effects in 3d games using 3d commands. Please, tell me I am wrong and it's easy to mix 2d & 3d :)

jhocking(Posted 2003) [#4]
It is easy to do but unstable on many systems. It is not recommended that you combine 2D and 3D commands.

Anthony Flack(Posted 2003) [#5]
Yes, to do as you describe, the best idea would be to use 3d commands to make the skidmarks track, cars etc also. (I mean to make them with flat 2d planes, but with 3d commands)

This will have many other advantages besides, as your game will be resolution independant, you will have access to all the cool 3d effects like vertex colours, alpha transparency and different blend modes, and your game will run faster than if you mix 2d and 3d. On many systems, mixing 2d and 3d causes quite a bit of slowdown.

Arno94(Posted 2003) [#6]
Thank you all for your answers. After reading this, I think now that's better to choose to program in 3d because it's easier to simulate 2d with 3d commands than simulate 3d with 2d commands.

That's a good thing to introduce my new question : what are the "specs" a 3d object should have to be loaded in b3d easy ?

I mean, I know which formats are supported but is there a text, a page, a doc or something like that where are shown the best camera placement and scales depending on the 3d program we use (milkshape, 3ds max, maplet etc. ?).