Textures on a mesh/surface/triangle?
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Textures on a mesh/surface/triangle?
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Okay so far i can creat ea "cube" ,etc mesh and texture it, but using Addvertex, addsurface, add mesh whenever i try to paintmesh, entitytexture, paintsurface, it all appears as 1 color. The texture i'm using is black/red checkerboard? Im guessing its only painted one pixel of it? heres my code... Graphics3D 800,600,16,3 SetBuffer BackBuffer() light=CreateLight() RotateEntity light,90,0,0 world=CreateMesh() surf=CreateSurface(world) v1=AddVertex(surf,0,10,0) v2=AddVertex(surf,10,10,0) v3=AddVertex(surf,10,0,0) tri=AddTriangle(surf,v1,v2,v3) surf2=CreateSurface(world) v4=AddVertex(surf2,0,0,0) v5=AddVertex(surf2,0,10,0) v6=AddVertex(surf2,10,0,0) tri2=AddTriangle(surf2,v5,v6,v4) cam = CreateCamera() UpdateNormals world PositionEntity cam,0,2,-15 brush=LoadTexture("c:\blitz\checker.bmp") EntityTexture world,brush RenderWorld Flip WaitKey() End |
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The most useful thing to remember (or learn about) is UV texturing. If you have a look at the AddVertex command you'll see optional u,v,w components. The U and V is the most important for texturing as they determine the positioning of textures on surfaces. So for example a surface on a cube, let's say one side of the cube, has four vertices. Therefore to be textured correctly the U and V coords should be 0,0 for top left and 1,1 for bottom right ala: 0,0-------1,0 | | | | 0,1-------1,1 Hope that helps. PS - I never used the w component, I'm sure it has some use but it isn't required to get the texturing working. |
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The manual says the W component is there for future compatibiity. Maybe Mark used it for something, but I've never used it either. |