file format (milkshake to blitz?
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/file format (milkshake to blitz?
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I have made several models in milkshape 3d but i dont know how to get them into my blitz program. Im just trying for the very basics here. Can someone please help me? |
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You can export from Milkshape to 3DS, X or B3D formats - all of which are supported by Blitz3D via LoadMesh/LoadAnimMesh. |
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Thank you for your help |
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Can you please be more specific. I Have tried exporting it in .x and B3d and when I run It just reports "Memory access violation". I dont have any experience with pathways or impoting or exporting. its somthing I still have to learn. Do you know of any tutorials on the subject? |
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Actually could YOU be more specific? It is very hard to diagnose a problem when all we have to go on is that you exported "it" and "it" reports an error. Some specifics which would help include: Describe the model in detail (eg. is it animated? what are you using for texture?) What command/code is producing the error? Run the code with debug on to find out. If it isn't too long post your code so that we can see if something is wrong. ***** In all liklihood the problem is simply incorrect code. The path from Milkshape to Blitz3D is so simple there are very few places you could have made a mistake exporting; you literally just export from Milkshape to b3d and then use LoadMesh (LoadAnimMesh if the model is animated) in Blitz. |
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Make yourself a folder somewhere on your harddrive. Export your .B3D file to this location. Create a new Blitz program that loads the object, creates a camera, moves the camera away from the object, points the camera at the object, and has a RenderWorld:Flip in it's main loop. Viola. Additionally, try switching debug on, that will give you more meaningful errors than "Memory Access Violation". |
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The model is just a basic reshaped box with no texture and no animation yet. The code is just cut and paste (so I know its perfect) from the comand line reference in blitz 3d with the comand load mesh changed. In milkshape, I saved the shape first as "boxshape" then I went to export,blitz 3d and it confirmed file saved succesfuly. Here is the code: Graphics3D 640,480 SetBuffer BackBuffer() camera=CreateCamera() light=CreateLight() RotateEntity light,90,0,0 ; Load mesh boxmsh=LoadMesh("boxmsh.b3d");incorect path? PositionEntity shape,0,0,MeshDepth(boxmsh)*2 ;debuger points here "entity does not exist" While Not KeyDown( 1 ) RenderWorld Flip Wend End |
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Because the error happens the first time you try to use "boxmsh" the problem was that the model simply wasn't loaded (I would think that the error should be on the LoadMesh line but this is how Blitz works.) Assuming you exported to b3d and spelled the filename correctly you are not referencing the right path. For what you wrote the b3d file must be in the same directory as the .bb file. One fairly common problem here is that you haven't created a .bb file because you haven't saved the code; save to the same directory as the b3d file before you run the code. |
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But... the following of your code: [CODE] boxmsh=LoadMesh("boxmsh.b3d");incorect path? PositionEntity shape,0,0,MeshDepth(boxmsh)*2 ;debuger points here "entity does not exist" [/CODE] You're loading your mesh as "boxmsh", then you're refering to it as "shape". If I haven't completely misunderstood things, it should be like this: [CODE] boxmsh=LoadMesh("boxmsh.b3d");incorect path? PositionEntity boxmsh,0,0,MeshDepth(boxmsh)*2 ;debuger points here "entity does not exist" [/CODE] I hope it works... Regards, |
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Good catch; I missed that. I'm guessing you copy/pasted that code from somewhere else; that's a pretty common reason for incorrect handles. |