how can i maximize learning?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/how can i maximize learning?

gellyware(Posted 2003) [#1]
I am wondering, does anyone have suggestions on the best/fastest way to learn blitz3d. It seems that there are so many complicated ideas and I am trying to take in as much as possible. This process is somewhat difficult when I dont know what I should be learning, or where to find good tutorials without digging on forums for hours just to find a snippet that is good for my level (easy to understand). I am new, so If anyone can tell me how they learned, or the best place to learn from... Id appreciate it.

_PJ_(Posted 2003) [#2]
Start small. You will pick it up bit by bit eventually, but there is SO much potential, it's impossible to grasp all the concepts because there really aren't any limits (well, maybe there are some, but there are workarounds too :) )

I have a long way to go, but when I look back, I notice that I have learned a lot without actually realising it! Mostly thanks to the help and advice I have received here.


This process is somewhat difficult when I dont know what I should be learning, or where to find good tutorials

Plan out a game/program first. Set out what you wish to achieve (think small, it's amazing how much extra considerations can pop-up once you start!) Then work towards this just sticking to what you need for your project at first. This will stop you getting overwhelmed.

Don't know if this thread is of use to you:

but it's along similar lines.

Hope this helps :)

WendellM(Posted 2003) [#3]
Blitz3D has some decent tutorials with it (on the main help screen). In addition to those, the Blitz3D and Blitz Basic Newbie Articles (especially those by Krylar) at are good for a start.

gellyware(Posted 2003) [#4]
thanks guys!

big10p(Posted 2003) [#5]

As always, you'll learn the most by actually writing stuff so: code, code and code some more! You can read a load of tutorials/manuals but things won't stick in your head unless you actually write stuff - I find, anyway.

As mentioned, start small and try not to get frustrated at not being able to learn evrything in a single day. I started by writing a simple 3D Space Invaders game which I am still working on because I got sidetracked on several occasions working out how to do specific things like special effects and mesh manipulation etc. It's a good way to learn, though.

I also spent some time looking through the online command reference to get an idea of what B3D can do. You dont need to memorize every command and the parameters used etc., but I often think 'I know there's a command I could use here' then look it up to find out how exactly to use it.

Lastly, learning B3D is very fast compared to other languages because it's so simple. I've only had B3D myself a couple of months and have been pleasantly surprised at what I've been able to achieve. When I first tried it I could hardly believe how much could be achieved in such few lines of code. I haven't had such fun messing about writing stuff in a long time!

I'll stop blathering now :)

skn3(Posted 2003) [#6]
Learn by making simple programs.
For example, when I first got blitz, I set myself the task of making a join the dots game that had the ability to load custom designs.

Very simple vector / type / array stuff.

Then I stepped thigns up slowly, until I felt totaly confident with things.