First Person Shooter help!!!
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/First Person Shooter help!!!
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does any body have some bullet code for a first person shooter wot im after is the bullet to start from the end of the gun and shhot towards the gun sight here is my code sofar Graphics3D 640,480,32,1 SetBuffer BackBuffer() camera=CreateCamera() PositionEntity camera,0,1,0 light=CreateLight() RotateEntity light,90,0,0 gun=CreateCube(camera):ScaleEntity gun,5,5,15 ;gun=LoadMesh("deagle.3ds") PositionEntity gun,30,-40,50 RotateEntity gun,-1,3,-1 EntityType gun,2 EntityParent gun,camera EntityRadius gun,1 EntityOrder gun,-1 ; Create terrain terrain=CreateTerrain(512) ; Texture terrain tex=LoadTexture( "wall8.jpg" ) EntityTexture terrain,tex ScaleEntity terrain,100,100,100 MouseSensitivity# = 2 MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2 FlushMouse While Not KeyDown( 1 ) dx# = dx# + MouseYSpeed() / MouseSensitivity# dy# = dy# - MouseXSpeed() / MouseSensitivity# If dx# > 85 Then dx# = 85 ElseIf dx# < -85 dx# = -85 xang# = CurveValue#(xang#, dx#, 3.5) yang# = CurveValue#(yang#, dy#, 3.5) RotateEntity (Camera), xang#, yang#, 0 MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2 If MouseDown(1)=1 Then speed#=speed#+.2 speed#=speed#*.9 ; friction If MouseDown(3)=1 zoom#=zoom#+1 MouseSensitivity# = 6 EndIf If MouseDown(3)=0 zoom#=zoom#-1 MouseSensitivity# = 2 EndIf If zoom#<1 Then zoom#=1 If zoom#>10 Then zoom#=10 ; Set camera zoom CameraZoom camera,zoom# MoveEntity camera,0,0,speed# xpos#=EntityX(camera) zpos#=EntityZ(camera) ypos#=TerrainY(terrain,xpos,0,zpos) PositionEntity camera,xpos,ypos+20,zpos MoveMouse 320,240 RenderWorld mx=MouseX() my=MouseY() Oval mx-10,my-10,20,20,0 Plot mx,my Flip Wend End Function CurveValue#(Current#, Destination#, Curve#) Return Current# + ((Destination# - Current#) / Curve#) End Function any help? Thanks GIMPY :) |
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1) Create an entity (ex a small sphere) at the wanted position - that is, where the bullet should go out from the weapon; use the CreateSphere command. 2) Point the bullet (the small sphere) toward the target, using PointEntity. 3) Move the bullet on Z axis, it will move toward the target; use Moveentity. You may set the collisions between the bullet and the target, to check if the target has been hit. EntityType, Collisions and EntityCollides would be handy for this task. Another hint: use a type structure to handle your bullets, so that in the main loop you can manage all the existant bullets - that is, each bullet will have its direction, speed, position, life, damage... So when you shoot, create a bullet element - note that if you use keydown for shooting, you will create LOTS of bullet, so use keyhit or create a new bullet only every X millisecs: ;type declaration and type pointer type t_bullet ;the bullet structure field sphere ;this will hold the entity field speed# ;speed end type Global bullet.t_bullet ;pointer . . If player_has_shooted then bullet.t_bullet = new t_bullet ;create a new bullet bullet\sphere = createsphere() ;a sphere as bullet scaleentity bullet\sphere,0.1,0.1,0.1 ;scale it down unless you want shoot balloons ;-) positionentity bullet\sphere,x#,y#,z# ;position the bullet at the desired place resetentity bullet\sphere ;avoid collision when positioning pointentity bullet\sphere, target ;point the bullet toward the target endif ;in the main loop handle_bullet() . . function handle_bullet() for bullet.t_bullet = each t_bullet ;loop through all the bullets moveentity bullet\sphere,0,0,bullet\speed ;move the bullet next The rest is up to you... have fun ! Sergio. |
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Do you really need an actual projectile? Despite Max Payne, they're still not generally expected and I wouldn't imagine that Blitz'z collision system could reliably determine whether or not fast moving bullets have hit moving targets... which leaves you an extra headache. Isn't this what Linepick is for (especially if you're a beginner)? |
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thanks semar ill try ur code out :) @sledge once i get my head round this ill hide the bullet its just there for visual checking at the mo :) Thanks GIMPY :) |