Brush does not exist

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Brush does not exist

Second Chance(Posted 2003) [#1]
Can someone please tell me why my brush does not exist?

playCam = CreateCamera()
backdrop = CreateSphere()
ScaleEntity backdrop,10,10,10
FlipMesh backdrop
backdropBrush = LoadBrush("universe.jpg",1)
BrushFX backdropBrush,1
PaintMesh backdrop,backdropBrush

When I go step by step in the debugger the value for "backdropBrush" remains zero after the LoadBrush line completes. What gives?

big10p(Posted 2003) [#2]
Check that universe.jpg is in the same directory as your progs source file - or use the path to the file in the LoadBrush command.

Second Chance(Posted 2003) [#3]
HA! Lol@me, I actually just realized that was the problem! It's the first time I've picked up Blitz in months. Oh well, my bad for putting it down in the first place :)