tex_render.bb example but on mesh
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/tex_render.bb example but on mesh
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I've no trouble applying the method in tex_render.bb to entities I create but I can't figure out how to render to a mesh's brush. All I'm trying to do is render to a 2-poly plane created with mesh commands, as follows: Graphics3D 800,600,32,2 SetBuffer BackBuffer() HidePointer camera = CreateCamera() PositionEntity camera,10,10,-10 mirrorCam = CreateCamera() PositionEntity mirrorCam,0,5,0 CameraViewport mirrorCam,0,0,128,128 light = CreateLight() PositionEntity light,5,5,-5 tex = LoadTexture("Images/plant.bmp") brush = CreateBrush() BrushTexture brush,tex cube = CreateCube() PaintMesh cube,brush ground = CreateCube() PaintMesh ground,brush ScaleEntity ground,50,0.25,50 PositionEntity ground,0,-2,0 mirror = CreateMesh() mirrorSurf = CreateSurface(mirror) v1 = AddVertex(mirrorSurf,-5.0,5.0,-10.0) v2 = AddVertex(mirrorSurf,-5.0,5.0,10.0) v3 = AddVertex(mirrorSurf,-5.0,0.0,10.0) v4 = AddVertex(mirrorSurf,-5.0,0.0,-10.0) tri1 = AddTriangle(mirrorSurf,v1,v2,v3) tri2 = AddTriangle(mirrorSurf,v3,v4,v1) mirrorTex = CreateTexture(128,128) mirrorBrush = CreateBrush() BrushTexture mirrorBrush,mirrorTex PaintMesh mirror,mirrorBrush PointEntity camera,cube PointEntity mirrorCam,cube HideEntity mirrorCam ShowEntity camera angle# = 1 AntiAlias True While Not KeyHit(16) angle = angle + 1 If angle > 360 Then angle = 1 RotateEntity cube,angle,angle,angle UpdateWorld HideEntity camera ShowEntity mirrorCam RenderWorld CopyRect 0,0,128,128,0,0,0,TextureBuffer(mirrorTex) ShowEntity camera HideEntity mirrorCam RenderWorld Flip Wend What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any replies. |
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Ok, forget the above...it seems I'm having trouble even painting a mesh. For example, sheet = CreateMesh() sheetSurf = CreateSurface(sheet) v0 = AddVertex(sheetSurf,0.0,5.0,5.0) v1 = AddVertex(sheetSurf,5.0,5.0,5.0) v2 = AddVertex(sheetSurf,0.0,0.0,5.0) v3 = AddVertex(sheetSurf,5.0,0.0,5.0) tri1 = AddTriangle(sheetSurf,v0,v1,v2) tri2 = AddTriangle(sheetSurf,v2,v1,v3) sheetTex = LoadTexture("Images/tv.bmp") sheetBrush = CreateBrush() BrushTexture sheetBrush,sheetTex PaintMesh sheet,sheetBrush ...the above creates a simple plane but does not paint it...or at least, not in a way I understand. Maybe only a corner of the texture gets applied...?? Anyway, I'll search out some basic painting tutorials. |
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Ok, almost got it. Fiddling with the u#,v# parameters of AddVertex (I assume that's the area to fiddle in). Texture showing up, being updated by second camera, but tiled...so I gotta study the aforementioned params. Gotta say, Blitz is pretty interesting. |
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Ok, got it. |