Min() and Max()
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Min() and Max()
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Am I the only one who did not know that these functions are part of Blitz? They are not mentioned in any of the documentation, therefore, I had written my own. I use and external editor, but I was using the Blitz IDE for something, was naming a function parameter 'min' and wouldn't you know, the IDE highlighted the word! Press F1 once, and I see Min(value1, value2) in the status line. Press F1 again, 'page not found'. 'Max' yields the same results. I tried them out and they work fine, but they are not mentioned in the online docs either, even with a search. I feel kind of stupid that I wrote my own. What other commands are not documented? I guess these are probably standard commands in Basic, but Basic is not my primary programming language. Anyways, just wondering, MK |
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Seeing as I don't have them in either blitz3d or blitz+ I am guessing you have added a userlib that has them included. That would explain the lack of docs as well. Soemthing like this here perhaps? http://www.blitzcoder.com/cgi-bin/showcase/showcase_showentry.pl?id=antony05252003161316&comments=no |
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Good call Ben! I don't even remember downloading that userlib, but I have it. Well, at least I know I am not going crazy, well, not imagining commands appear/disappear. :) Thanks for the info, MK |
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Is there a way to update the command help files so that we can add custom descriptions of our userlib commands? If not, that might be a nice simple feature to add. |
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That might be nice but could get extremely confusing. What happens if you remove userlibs but don't remove the custom help descriptions? Undocumented commands are bad but documenting commands which aren't available is even worse. |
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Good point, Joe. However, perhaps Blitz could add a .Help command to the UserLibs that would allow the commands and the help information to be combined into one file, or the .Help would give a path to the help file. That way if the UserLib is not used, the specific Help is not available. |