Pong trouble...
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Pong trouble...
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I have totally messed up my pong game, me and my friend has been programming for 6 hours straight. The problem is somewhere in the incredibly messy collision code, theres lots of stuff that's not even needed. I am asking for someone to look at it if you have time. the comments are in danish, dont mind them. Thank you! Global playerBat Global PlayerBatposY = 250 Global PlayerBatposX = 0 Global opBat Global opBatposY = 250 Global opBatposX = 760 Global Bold Global BoldposY = 300 Global BoldposX = 400 Global BoldYdir = 4 Global BoldXdir = 4 Global BoldYdirPlayer Global BoldXdirPlayer Global BoldYdirOp Global BoldXdirOp Global Walltop Global wallbottom Graphics 800,600,16 SetBuffer BackBuffer() ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Image loading /preloop stuff;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; playerBat=LoadImage("bat1.bmp") MaskImage playerBat,221,121,192 opBat=LoadImage("Bat2.bmp") MaskImage opBat,221,121,192 ;Background=LoadImage("Background.bmp") Bold=LoadImage("bold.bmp") MaskImage Bold,221,121,192 Walltop=LoadImage("wall.bmp") Wallbottom=LoadImage("wall.bmp") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Loop ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; While Not KeyHit(1) Cls ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Drawing stuff etc... ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;TileImage Background,800,600 DrawImage playerBat,PlayerBatposX,PlayerBatposY DrawImage opBat,opBatposX,opBatposY DrawImage Bold,BoldposX,BoldposY DrawImage Walltop,0,0 DrawImage Wallbottom,0,570 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Player-Movement stuff ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; If KeyDown(200) Then PlayerBatposY = PlayerBatposY -10 EndIf If KeyDown(208) Then PlayerBatposY = PlayerBatposY +10 EndIf ;If PlayerBatposY < 0 Then ;PlayerBatposY = PlayerBatposY +10 ;EndIf ;If PlayerBatposY > 500 Then ;PlayerBatposY = PlayerBatposY -10 ;EndIf ;If PlayerBatposY > 495 Then ;BoldposY = BoldposY -boldYdir ;EndIf ;If PlayerBatposY < 0 Then ;BoldposY = BoldposY +BoldYdir ;EndIf ;If PlayerBatposY > 495 Then ;BoldposY = BoldposY -boldYdirPlayer ;EndIf ;If PlayerBatposY < 0 Then ;BoldposY = BoldposY +BoldYdirPlayer ;EndIf ;If PlayerBatposY > 495 Then ;BoldposY = BoldposY -boldYdirOp ;EndIf ;If PlayerBatposY < 0 Then ;BoldposY = BoldposY +BoldYdirOp ;EndIf ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Opponent-Player ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; opBatposY = BoldposY ;If opBatposY > 500 Then ;opBatposY = opBatposY +4 ;EndIf ;If opBatposY < 0 Then ;opBatposY = opBatposY -4 ;EndIf ;If opBatposY > 495 Then ;BoldposY = BoldposY -4 ;EndIf ;If opBatposY < 0 Then ;BoldposY = BoldposY +4 ;EndIf ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Ball Movement ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BoldposY = BoldposY+BoldYdir+boldYdirPlayer+BoldYdirOp BoldposX = BoldposX+BoldXdir+BoldXdirPlayer+BoldXdirOp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Collisions ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; If ImagesCollide (Bold,BoldposX,BoldposY,0,opBat,opBatposX,opBatposY,0) Then ;bold / modstanders bat kollision BoldYdirOp = 0 BoldXdirOp = 0 BoldYdir = 0 BoldXdir = 0 BoldXdirPlayer = 0 BoldXdirPlayer = 0 Gosub opball EndIf If ImagesCollide (Bold,BoldposX,BoldposY,0,PlayerBat,PlayerBatposX,PlayerBatposY,0) Then ;bold / spillers bat kollision BoldYdirOp = 0 BoldXdirOp = 0 BoldYdir = 0 BoldXdir = 0 BoldXdirPlayer = 0 BoldXdirPlayer = 0 Gosub playerball EndIf If ImagesCollide (opBat,opBatposX,opBatposY,0,Walltop,0,0,0) Then ;modstanders bat / overvæg kollision Gosub ball EndIf If ImagesCollide (opBat,opBatposX,opBatposY,0,Wallbottom,0,570,0) Then ; Modstanders bat / undervæg kollision Gosub ball EndIf If ImagesCollide (PlayerBat,PlayerBatposX,PlayerbatposY,0,Walltop,0,0,0) Then ; spillers bat / overvæg kollision Gosub ball EndIf If ImagesCollide (PlayerBat,PlayerBatposX,PlayerbatposY,0,Wallbottom,0,0,0) Then ; spillers bat / undervæg kollision Gosub ball EndIf If ImagesCollide (Bold,BoldposX,BoldposY,0,Walltop,0,0,0) Then ; bold / overvæg kollision BoldYdirOp = 0 BoldXdirOp = 0 BoldYdir = 0 BoldXdir = 0 BoldXdirPlayer = 0 BoldXdirPlayer = 0 Gosub ball EndIf If ImagesCollide (Bold,BoldposX,BoldposY,0,Wallbottom,0,0,0) Then ; bold / undervæg kollision BoldYdirOp = 0 BoldXdirOp = 0 BoldYdir = 0 BoldXdir = 0 BoldXdirPlayer = 0 BoldXdirPlayer = 0 Gosub ball EndIf Flip Wend End .ball BoldYdir = 0 BoldXdir = 0 BoldYdir = Rnd(-5,+5) BoldXdir = Rnd(-5,+5) Return .playerball BoldYdirPlayer = Rnd(0,+5) BoldXdirPlayer = Rnd(0,+5) Return .opball BoldYdirOp = Rnd(-5,0) BoldXdirOp = Rnd(-5,0) Return |
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Thanks a bunch, but i need your e-mail... or can i find it somewhere on this site? |
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Be a little more specific about what the problem is. You refer to THE PROBLEM but what is THE PROBLEM? |
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The problem... is solved now! wai! wai! :) |
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