3d moddeling

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/3d moddeling

Agamer(Posted 2003) [#1]
Ok i am now doing a 3D project and i want to be able to do all my charchters but i want to do them my self so i have complete control over them if i want to make a change

1. i need a cheap 3d moddelling package as i can't afford something like 3d studio max

2. i need to learn 3d moddeling in easy way that acturly teaches you something from a real beggier to be able modratley model something and i want it to be compatible for the cheap programs

If you do recomend some products please could you leave a price and a web adress and for the toturials in away a webadress

thanks in advance

jhocking(Posted 2003) [#2]
Expecting to learn 3D modeling, texturing, and animation quickly is a tall order.

As for the first question however, what tools you can use, that is easy to answer. For a cheap, beginning-to-end art workflow look for my "art workflow" thread in "Other Tools." Some free tools people recommend a lot include Wings3D, older versions of Truespace, Blender, anim8or, etc. Some cheap tools include Ultimate Unwrap, Milkshape, CharacterFX, etc. I basically use Wings3D for modeling, Ultimate Unwrap for texturing, and CharacterFX for animation.

Oh, and you'll need a 2D graphics/paint tool. Some commonly recommended ones include Paintshop Pro and GIMP.

Agamer(Posted 2003) [#3]
Thanks i lately saw in a second hand paprer truspace 5 for £20 is that any good

(tu) sinu(Posted 2003) [#4]
truespace 5 is good, however i don't know what it has in the way of exporting for you to use it with blitz.

Agamer(Posted 2003) [#5]
well it's gotta export to something and i can convert it hopefu ly it can do gd exports

NTense(Posted 2003) [#6]
I am a huge fan of Milkshape3D. It's great for working on game models, skeletal animation, and I even find the texturing utility pretty easy to use (though some people don't like it). The major thing that is not supported in Milkshape YET, is weighted vertices, and the lack of a high-end renderer, though there is rumor about adding that functionality in the future. Honestly, for less than $30, it's one of the best development tools I own. If you're looking at Truespace, I would recommend downloading the demo and trying it out first. I personally hated it, but some people really like it.

(tu) sinu(Posted 2003) [#7]
"I am a huge fan of Milkshape3D. It's great for working on game models, skeletal animation, and I even find the texturing utility pretty easy to use (though some people don't like it)."

it's good but if you've tried something better you'll realise it has very big limits.

NTense(Posted 2003) [#8]
sinu: I've worked in Animation Master and Lightwave as well. But he was asking for low-cost packages. I agree, MS3D has limitations, but if he's wanting to get started cheap, it's a great way to go (and it has B3d export built in which is really nice).

Bottom line Agamer, is that everyone has their favorite tools.. Quite a few are listed here (Joe hit most of the low cost ones). I would suggest taking a week or two to download demo software of these titles and try them out. See which ones you like, and which you don't.

Good Luck to you!

Agamer(Posted 2003) [#9]
well i got truspace and i'm playing with that i got the 5 version so it not the atest but it's pretty gd

RedSlug(Posted 2003) [#10]
Try http://www.openfx.org

RetroBooster(Posted 2003) [#11]

my computer: Experimental P4 5ghz geforce fx 2500, qaud screen, 5 terrabyte squzzy hard drive, independet proxy server. (AKA : Best PC eva)

Figuring you have the money to afford such a brilliant computer I'm sure you can afford to buy full commercial lisences to max, maya and any other top 3d/animation suites you you wish to try... ;P (sorry, just had to say that)

And oh yes while your at it, the term quad is in fact written as quad, not as qaud, keep that in mind since you will probably run into a few when modeling... ;)

As for some more usefull advice, yes milkshape is a nice tool to start off with, if you can stomach it's simplicity and slightly lacky control methods. There's also quite a few basic tutorials on it to get you started!

Agamer(Posted 2003) [#12]
ok but i don't have that much money off the shelf like that

jhocking(Posted 2003) [#13]
While I stand by my original recommendations of Wings3D + Ultimate Unwrap + CharacterFX, RedSlug's reference to OpenFX has jogged my memory of a few other cheap/free 3D art tools. Another tool to look at is 3D Canvas.

shawnus(Posted 2003) [#14]
gmax is a cut down version of 3ds max, and was free about a year ago, I believe. '3d world' magazine regularly has free old versions of software ('amapi' most recently) and excellent platform independent tutorials on all issues related to 3d modeling. I think Bryce & ray dream are great, by the way, although I now use 3ds max. Amorphium is good for making planets and free sculpting (it also exports to .3ds). Poser was given away free with 3d world a couple of months ago.
Cheers Shawnus