I want the game to pop up various "amusing" messages at certain points, so I've put the messages in Data statements and access them with an array. Then I print the array to an image made with CreateImage, then put it on the screen. It works fine in Blitz2D but in Blitz+ It will not seem to refresh the imagebuffer (or something), so I get the same popup message over and over. The content of the array changes, I checked.
Function PopUpMessage()
Counter% = 30
Select GameState%
Case 1
Restore Dat01
Case 2
Restore Dat02
End Select
For i% = 0 To 4
Read MessageArray$(i%)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(PopUpPic)
DrawBlock OldPic,0,0
For i% = 0 To 4
If MessageArray$(i%) = "STOP" Then Exit
Text 10,Counter%,MessageArray$(i%)
Counter% = Counter% + 20
MessageMade = true
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
End Function
I wonder if anyone can help?