Goddamn millisecs timer...
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Goddamn millisecs timer...
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Allright, I have "coders block"... I'm trying to do simple timer(millisecs)/loop and it doesn't work like I want it to work. I want to have "text" that I'm drawing every flip, but I want to show 5000ms red text, and then 5000ms white text, then 5000ms red... how? I know it's simple, but I'm STUCK. My brains stopped working or something... help! |
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How about this?If Abs( MilliSecs() Mod 10000 ) < 5000 Then useRed Else useWhite The Abs is there in case Millisecs() has 'rolled over' to negative numbers. There are other ways, but this doesn't need to remember previous results. |
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Thanks Floyd! That is cool way to do it... and it works! :)Repeat If Abs( MilliSecs() Mod 1000 ) < 500 Then Color 128,128,128 Text 10,10,"test" Else Color 255,0,0 Text 10,10,"test" EndIf Until KeyHit (1) |