Enemy Shots?
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Enemy Shots?
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Hi guys... I wanted to make my enemys(in my space-shooter) to shot. And these shots shall fly to my main-ship.. like a heatseeking rocket... But ive no idea how i can ccode this... so please help my with an code example :) (I'm an Austrian boy, therefore my English is very bad... sry^^) |
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well, the first thing you should think of is getting the co-ords of the ship thats firing, and the ship the bullet is going towards. then drawing a straight line but everytime the target ship moves just readjusting the line. sorry, don't have any code off hand, but this is the way i did it :o) find the angle between the ship and target ship angle=Atan2( shipy-targety,shipx-targetx) using the angle now, take the sin and cos of it for x and y bulletx=bulletx+sin(angle) bullety=bullety+cos(angle) if you want the bullet to travel faster then simply multiply the sin and cos by a speed bulletx=bulletx+(sin(angle)*speed) bullety=bullety+(cos(angle)*speed) then just simply draw the bullet on screen drawimage bullet,bulletx,bullety that will send the bullet to the enemys or targets location. Please note that this will only goto the location that the enemy/target was at when the angle was worked out. if you want it to home in on the enemy then work out the angle every loop. and you must also make sure that the bullet doesn't travel forever. just say if its x or y co-ords leave the screen then delete it. Hope this helps you out ! |
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Well, I try to describe a very rough example for a 3D shooter. For testing purpose, just let's make an enemy shooting when you press the space bar: Const K_SB = 57 if heyhit(L_SB) then ;shoot endif Now, what is a shoot ? Usually a rocket model, or something like that. For now, let's just use a sphere - you can easily substitute it with anything else. The shooted sphere should travel from the starting point - which is an enemy - to the target point - which is, the ship. The shoot should also have a speed. So basically, once fired, the shoot should continuosly point toward the target, and travel. This scenario suggests to use a type structure for a shoot: type t_shoot field ent ;the shoot entity - ex. a sphere field speed# ;the speed field target ;the target entity where to point to End Type Global shoot.t_shoot So, suppose we have also: - an entity called 'ship' which represents our target - an entity called 'enemy' which fires the shoot toward the target Said that, the code would look like: Const K_SB = 57 if heyhit(L_SB) then ;create a shoot shoot.t_shoot = new shoot ;create the entity shoot\ent = createshpere() ;assign a speed shoot\speed = 1.5 ;assigh the target shoot\target = target ;color the entity entitycolor shoot\ent,255,0,0 ;position the entity at the enemy position positionentity shoot\ent, entityx(enemy),entityy(enemy),entityz(enemy) endif ;now, we should call the move_shoot routine at each loop: function move_shoot() for shoot.t_shoot = each t_shoot ;for all the shoot we have ;point the shoot toward the target pointentity shoot\ent,shoot\target ;move it along z axis moveentity shoot\ent, 0,0,shoot\speed ;check for collision between shoot and target ;you do this part ;-) ;once collided with the ship, remember to: -- free the entity shoot\ent -- delete the element shoot next end function I hope this is a good starting for you. Good luck and have fun ! Sergio. |
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Yeah.. thx.. i will test it^^ |
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sorry guys but it doesn't work :'( @joker ive read your example and thought that it must (funktionieren) but it doesn't... can you give me a full example? In my code the shot flew away?!?! @semar sanks for your code.. if i code anytime a 3d-shooter i use you code ;) thx! PS: i would also learn how to make the NPCs thinking! You know? How to program a simple KI like: shot,not shot,flew away from the players shot and so on.. It works with a Case-Loop? thx leutz^^ |
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ok, here's is some code i put together. press space bar to fire a bullet. it will send the bullet to the location of the target at the time of the shot being fired.Graphics 800,600 SetBuffer BackBuffer() player=CreateImage(32,32); create player ship SetBuffer ImageBuffer(player) Rect 0,0,32,32 target=CreateImage(64,64);create target ship SetBuffer ImageBuffer(target) Rect 0,0,64,64 bullet=CreateImage(1,1); create bullet image SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bullet) Rect 0,0,1,1 SetBuffer BackBuffer(); set the buffer to the back for double buffering MidHandle player MidHandle target MidHandle bullet; set midhandles on all the images. Meaning the x and y co-ords will be taken for the middle of the image instead of the top left corner px=400; set player co-ords py=500 tx=400; set target co-ords ty=50 t_dir=1; set target direction 1=right, -1=left bul_speed=2; set speed of the bullet Type bul; set up the types for the bullet Field image Field x#,y# Field angle End Type While Not KeyHit(1) Cls If KeyDown(203) Then px=px-1:If px<20 Then px=20; move the player left, if he moves too far left then move him back to x=20 If KeyDown(205) Then px=px+1:If px>750 Then px=750; move the player right, if he moves too far right then move him back to x=750 If KeyHit(57) Then Gosub createbullet; if user presses space bar then fire a bullet DrawImage player,px,py; draw the player image DrawImage target,tx,ty; draw the target image Gosub updatetarget; goto the subroutine to update and move the target Gosub updatebullet; goto the subroutine to update and move the bullets Flip; flip the backbuffer to the frontbuffer so we can see it Wend End .createbullet b.bul=New bul b\image=CopyImage(bullet); copy bullet image to type collection b\x=px b\y=py b\angle=ATan2(tx-px,ty-py)get the angle between the ship and the target Return .updatebullet For b.bul=Each bul DrawImage b\image,b\x,b\y b\x=b\x+Sin(b\angle)*bul_speed;move the bullet in the x dir using sin and the angle variable b\y=b\y+Cos(b\angle)*bul_speed;move the bullet in the y dir using cos and the angle variable If b\y<0 Then; if bullet leaves the top of the screen then delete it FreeImage b\image; free the image, other wise it will still be in memory Delete b.bul; delete the type instance End If Next Return .updatetarget tx=tx+t_dir; move target in the dir If tx>750 Or tx<50 Then t_dir=t_dir*-1 Return In this next code, (it's basically the same code) the bullet will move slightly towards the target/enemy. Graphics 800,600 SetBuffer BackBuffer() player=CreateImage(32,32) SetBuffer ImageBuffer(player) Rect 0,0,32,32 target=CreateImage(64,64) SetBuffer ImageBuffer(target) Rect 0,0,64,64 bullet=CreateImage(1,1) SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bullet) Rect 0,0,1,1 SetBuffer BackBuffer() MidHandle player MidHandle target MidHandle bullet px=400 py=500 tx=400 ty=50 t_dir=1 bul_speed=2 Type bul Field image Field x#,y# Field angle End Type While Not KeyHit(1) Cls If KeyDown(203) Then px=px-1:If px<20 Then px=20 If KeyDown(205) Then px=px+1:If px>750 Then px=750 If KeyHit(57) Then Gosub createbullet DrawImage player,px,py DrawImage target,tx,ty Gosub updatetarget Gosub updatebullet Flip Wend End .createbullet b.bul=New bul b\image=CopyImage(bullet) b\x=px b\y=py b\angle=ATan2(tx-px,ty-py) Return .updatebullet For b.bul=Each bul b\angle=ATan2(tx-px,ty-py); this time work out the angle eerytime based on the player and the target DrawImage b\image,b\x,b\y b\x=b\x+Sin(b\angle)*bul_speed b\y=b\y+Cos(b\angle)*bul_speed If b\y<0 Then FreeImage b\image Delete b.bul End If Next Return .updatetarget tx=tx+t_dir If tx>750 Or tx<50 Then t_dir=t_dir*-1 Return Finally, this code will hit the enemy always. Graphics 800,600 SetBuffer BackBuffer() player=CreateImage(32,32) SetBuffer ImageBuffer(player) Rect 0,0,32,32 target=CreateImage(64,64) SetBuffer ImageBuffer(target) Rect 0,0,64,64 bullet=CreateImage(1,1) SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bullet) Rect 0,0,1,1 SetBuffer BackBuffer() MidHandle player MidHandle target MidHandle bullet px=400 py=500 tx=400 ty=50 t_dir=1 bul_speed=2 bul_count=0 Type bul Field image Field x#,y# Field angle End Type While Not KeyHit(1) Cls If KeyDown(203) Then px=px-1:If px<20 Then px=20 If KeyDown(205) Then px=px+1:If px>750 Then px=750 If KeyHit(57) Then Gosub createbullet DrawImage player,px,py DrawImage target,tx,ty Gosub updatetarget Gosub updatebullet Text 0,0," bul="+bul_count Flip Wend End .createbullet b.bul=New bul b\image=CopyImage(bullet) b\x=px b\y=py b\angle=ATan2(tx-px,ty-py) bul_count=bul_count+1 Return .updatebullet For b.bul=Each bul b\angle=ATan2(tx-b\x,ty-b\y); work out the angle based on the bullet and the target(most accurate) DrawImage b\image,b\x,b\y b\x=b\x+Sin(b\angle)*bul_speed b\y=b\y+Cos(b\angle)*bul_speed If b\y<0 Then FreeImage b\image Delete b.bul bul_count=bul_count-1 ElseIf ImagesCollide(b\image,b\x,b\y,0,target,tx,ty,0) Then; this time since the bullet will not leave the screen we must check to see if it collides with the target, if so then delete it FreeImage b\image Delete b.bul bul_count=bul_count-1 End If Next Return .updatetarget tx=tx+t_dir If tx>750 Or tx<50 Then t_dir=t_dir*-1 Return The homing effect is caused by contant recalculating the angle. the first code only calculates the angle once, and travels to the enemy last position when the space was pressed. The second code recalculates the angle all the time, using the ship and targets position, so it will home in on the target with more accuracy than the first code, but will still miss. useful for taking rough shots. The final code will never miss and always track the enemy and always hit. This uses the bullets position and the targets position to get the angle. and that as they say, is that :) (oh you will probably want to put the collision code in anyway, to see if the bullet has actually hit the ship :^) ) |
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juhuu.... /me give joker ab big fat kiss ;) thx 4 everything!!! |
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lol, hey no problem man, just glad i could help ya. let me know how you get one :D see ya |
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sry but i have problems to change the code into one with types... example.. Graphics 800,600,32,1 SetBuffer BackBuffer() SeedRnd MilliSecs() Global schiff=LoadAnimImage("dreher.png",48,48,0,18) Global main=LoadAnimImage("raumschiff.bmp",64,64,0,5) Global schuss=LoadImage("boom.jpg") Global shoot=0 Global frame=9 Global verhalten_dreher=1 Global sek=10300 Global tymer=MilliSecs() Global xs=400,ys=500 Type alien Field image Field x,y Field max_frame Field current_frame Field starttime Field speed End Type Type bul Field image Field x#,y# Field angle End Type Global bs.bul While Not KeyHit(1) Cls If MilliSecs() - tymer > 10 Then sek = sek -1 tymer = MilliSecs() If KeyHit(57) Then For dreher.alien=Each alien createbullet(schuss,dreher\x+4,dreher\y-4) shoot=2 Next EndIf DrawImage main,xs,ys,2 Text 200,100,sek If sek=10050 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(100,700),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf If sek=9750 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(100,700),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf If sek=9550 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(50,500),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf switch_verhalten() updatebullet() draw_dreher() Flip Wend End Function create_dreher(image,x,y,maxframe) dreher.alien = New alien dreher\image = image dreher\x = x dreher\y = y dreher\speed = 3 dreher\max_frame = maxframe dreher\current_frame = 0 dreher\starttime = MilliSecs() End Function Function draw_dreher() ; Enemies For dreher.alien=Each alien verhalten_dreher=1 ;dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 ;dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 DrawImage dreher\image,dreher\x,dreher\y,dreher\current_frame If MilliSecs()-dreher\starttime>20 dreher\starttime=MilliSecs() dreher\current_frame=dreher\current_frame+1 EndIf If MilliSecs()-dreher\starttime>1000 dreher\starttime=MilliSecs() verhalten_dreher=2 EndIf If dreher\current_frame>dreher\max_frame Then dreher\current_frame=0 If dreher\y>590 Then Delete dreher.alien Next End Function Function switch_verhalten() For dreher.alien=Each alien Select verhalten_dreher Case 1 dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 Case 2 dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 shoot=1 Default dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 End Select Next End Function Function createbullet(image,x,y) bs.bul=New bul bs\image=CopyImage(image) bs\x=x bs\y=y bs\angle=ATan2(xs-x,ys-y) End Function function updatebullet() For bs.bul=Each bul bs\angle=ATan2(x-bs\x,y-bs\y); work out the angle based on the bullet and the target(most accurate) DrawImage bs\image,bs\x,bs\y bs\x=bs\x+Sin(bs\angle)*bul_speed bs\y=bs\y+Cos(bs\angle)*bul_speed If bs\y<0 Then FreeImage bs\image Delete bs.bul ElseIf ImagesCollide(bs\image,bs\x,bs\y,0,main,xs,ys,2) Then; this time since the bullet will not leave the screen we must check to see if it collides with the target, if so then delete it FreeImage bs\image Delete bs.bul End If Next end function can anyone make this code running? i want to press space and then the aliens should shoot a rocket to the player... but it doesnt work... can u help me?? thx^^ |
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can you mail me the code along with the media files? |
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here is the download link http://home.pages.at/maniac88/dreher.zip thx guy^^ edit: send it please to save_my_soul88@... or post it into the forum :D |
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hey, here's your code, got it to work. the reason your bullets weren't moving is because you didn't set any speed value on the bul_speed value :) also i changed a few variables because the ones you were using weren't the correct ones for working out the homing effect. i also put a midhandle on the main pleyer image, works better. feel free to post back and tell me how you get on! :D |
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where is the code? ;) have you send it to save_my_soul88@...? you can also send it to we_want_freedom@... more webspace =) |
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strange, i'm pretty sure i posted it :S sorry ! well here it is Graphics 800,600,32 SetBuffer BackBuffer() SeedRnd MilliSecs() Global schiff=LoadAnimImage("dreher.png",48,48,0,18) Global main=LoadAnimImage("raumschiff.bmp",64,64,0,5) MidHandle main Global schuss=LoadImage("boom.jpg") Global shoot=0 Global frame=9 Global verhalten_dreher=1 Global sek=10300 Global tymer=MilliSecs() Global bul_speed=1 Global xs=400,ys=500 Type alien Field image Field x,y Field max_frame Field current_frame Field starttime Field speed End Type Type bul Field image Field x#,y# Field angle End Type Global bs.bul While Not KeyHit(1) Cls If MilliSecs() - tymer > 10 Then sek = sek -1 tymer = MilliSecs() If KeyHit(57) Then For dreher.alien=Each alien createbullet(schuss,dreher\x+4,dreher\y-4) shoot=2 Next EndIf Text 200,100,sek If sek=10050 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(100,700),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf If sek=9750 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(100,700),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf If sek=9550 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(50,500),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf switch_verhalten() Gosub updatebullet draw_dreher() DrawImage main,xs,ys,2 Flip Wend End Function create_dreher(image,x,y,maxframe) dreher.alien = New alien dreher\image = image dreher\x = x dreher\y = y dreher\speed = 3 dreher\max_frame = maxframe dreher\current_frame = 0 dreher\starttime = MilliSecs() End Function Function draw_dreher() ; Enemies For dreher.alien=Each alien verhalten_dreher=1 ;dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 ;dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 DrawImage dreher\image,dreher\x,dreher\y,dreher\current_frame If MilliSecs()-dreher\starttime>20 dreher\starttime=MilliSecs() dreher\current_frame=dreher\current_frame+1 EndIf If MilliSecs()-dreher\starttime>1000 dreher\starttime=MilliSecs() verhalten_dreher=2 EndIf If dreher\current_frame>dreher\max_frame Then dreher\current_frame=0 If dreher\y>590 Then Delete dreher.alien Next End Function Function switch_verhalten() For dreher.alien=Each alien Select verhalten_dreher Case 1 dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 Case 2 dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 shoot=1 Default dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 End Select Next End Function Function createbullet(image,x,y) bs.bul=New bul bs\image=CopyImage(image) bs\x=x bs\y=y bs\angle=0 bs\angle=ATan2(y-ys,xs-x) End Function .updatebullet For bs.bul=Each bul bs\angle=ATan2(xs-bs\x,ys-bs\y); work out the angle based on the bullet and the target(most accurate) DrawImage bs\image,bs\x,bs\y bs\x=bs\x+Sin(bs\angle)*bul_speed bs\y=bs\y+Cos(bs\angle)*bul_speed If bs\y<0 Then FreeImage bs\image Delete bs.bul ElseIf ImagesCollide(bs\image,bs\x,bs\y,0,main,xs,ys,2) Then; this time since the bullet will not leave the screen we must check to see if it collides with the target, if so then delete it FreeImage bs\image Delete bs.bul End If Next Return |
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nah bother :D |
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damn... =) I tried to code an AI for the aliens to make them shot without pressing space i tried it with this code Graphics 800,600,32 SetBuffer BackBuffer() SeedRnd MilliSecs() Global schiff=LoadAnimImage("dreher.png",48,48,0,18) Global main=LoadAnimImage("raumschiff.bmp",64,64,0,5) MidHandle main Global schuss=LoadImage("boom.jpg") Global shoot=0 Global frame=9 Global verhalten_dreher=1 Global sek=10300 Global tymer=MilliSecs() Global bul_speed=1 Global xs=400,ys=500 Type alien Field image Field x,y Field max_frame Field current_frame Field starttime Field speed End Type Type bul Field image Field x#,y# Field angle End Type Global bs.bul While Not KeyHit(1) Cls If MilliSecs() - tymer > 10 Then sek = sek -1 tymer = MilliSecs() If shoot=1 Then ;<----NEW For dreher.alien=Each alien createbullet(schuss,dreher\x+4,dreher\y-4) shoot=2 Next EndIf Text 200,100,sek If sek=10050 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(100,700),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf If sek=9750 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(100,700),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf If sek=9550 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(50,500),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf switch_verhalten() Gosub updatebullet draw_dreher() DrawImage main,xs,ys,2 Flip Wend End Function create_dreher(image,x,y,maxframe) dreher.alien = New alien dreher\image = image dreher\x = x dreher\y = y dreher\speed = 3 dreher\max_frame = maxframe dreher\current_frame = 0 dreher\starttime = MilliSecs() End Function Function draw_dreher() ; Enemies For dreher.alien=Each alien verhalten_dreher=1 ;dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 ;dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 DrawImage dreher\image,dreher\x,dreher\y,dreher\current_frame If MilliSecs()-dreher\starttime>20 dreher\starttime=MilliSecs() dreher\current_frame=dreher\current_frame+1 EndIf If MilliSecs()-dreher\starttime>1000 dreher\starttime=MilliSecs() verhalten_dreher=2 EndIf if dreher\current_frame=8 then shoot=1;<-----NEW If dreher\current_frame>dreher\max_frame Then dreher\current_frame=0 If dreher\y>590 Then Delete dreher.alien Next End Function Function switch_verhalten() For dreher.alien=Each alien Select verhalten_dreher Case 1 dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 Case 2 dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 shoot=1 Default dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 End Select Next End Function Function createbullet(image,x,y) bs.bul=New bul bs\image=CopyImage(image) bs\x=x bs\y=y bs\angle=0 bs\angle=ATan2(y-ys,xs-x) End Function .updatebullet For bs.bul=Each bul bs\angle=ATan2(xs-bs\x,ys-bs\y); work out the angle based on the bullet and the target(most accurate) DrawImage bs\image,bs\x,bs\y bs\x=bs\x+Sin(bs\angle)*bul_speed bs\y=bs\y+Cos(bs\angle)*bul_speed If bs\y<0 Then FreeImage bs\image Delete bs.bul ElseIf ImagesCollide(bs\image,bs\x,bs\y,0,main,xs,ys,2) Then; this time since the bullet will not leave the screen we must check to see if it collides with the target, if so then delete it FreeImage bs\image Delete bs.bul End If Next Return so my problem... they shot in a very short time(sry but i don't know what that mean in english^^)try it out and see it by yourself... Is there anyway to make them slower? Or make them to shot alone without pressing the space button? thx.. =) |
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i suppose you mean a sort of fire rate? well i've put that in, basically involving a random number. Graphics 800,600,32 SetBuffer BackBuffer() SeedRnd MilliSecs() Global schiff=LoadAnimImage("dreher.png",48,48,0,18) Global main=LoadAnimImage("raumschiff.bmp",64,64,0,5) MidHandle main Global schuss=LoadImage("boom.jpg") Global shoot=0 Global frame=9 Global verhalten_dreher=1 Global sek=10300 Global tymer=MilliSecs() Global bul_speed=3 Global bullet_rate ;<------NEW increase the value of this to make ships fire less often Global xs=400,ys=500 Type alien Field image Field x,y Field max_frame Field current_frame Field starttime Field speed End Type Type bul Field image Field x#,y# Field angle End Type Global bs.bul While Not KeyHit(1) Cls If MilliSecs() - tymer > 10 Then sek = sek -1 tymer = MilliSecs() End If If shoot=1 Then ;<----NEW For dreher.alien=Each alien If Int(Rnd(1,bullet_rate))=4 Then ;<-----NEW generates random number. if number is 4 then fire a bullet createbullet(schuss,dreher\x+4,dreher\y-4) shoot=2 End If Next EndIf Text 200,100,sek If sek=10050 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(100,700),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf If sek=9750 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(100,700),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf If sek=9550 Then For i=1 To 10 create_dreher(schiff,Rnd(50,500),Rnd(-150,-350),17) Next EndIf switch_verhalten() Gosub updatebullet draw_dreher() DrawImage main,xs,ys,2 Flip Wend End Function create_dreher(image,x,y,maxframe) dreher.alien = New alien dreher\image = image dreher\x = x dreher\y = y dreher\speed = 3 dreher\max_frame = maxframe dreher\current_frame = 0 dreher\starttime = MilliSecs() End Function Function draw_dreher() ; Enemies For dreher.alien=Each alien verhalten_dreher=1 ;dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 ;dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 DrawImage dreher\image,dreher\x,dreher\y,dreher\current_frame If MilliSecs()-dreher\starttime>20 dreher\starttime=MilliSecs() dreher\current_frame=dreher\current_frame+1 EndIf If MilliSecs()-dreher\starttime>1000 dreher\starttime=MilliSecs() verhalten_dreher=2 EndIf if dreher\current_frame=8 then shoot=1;<-----NEW If dreher\current_frame>dreher\max_frame Then dreher\current_frame=0 If dreher\y>590 Then Delete dreher.alien Next End Function Function switch_verhalten() For dreher.alien=Each alien Select verhalten_dreher Case 1 dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 Case 2 dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 shoot=1 Default dreher\x = dreher\x+Sin(dreher\y)*4 dreher\y# = (dreher\y# + dreher\speed) Mod 600 End Select Next End Function Function createbullet(image,x,y) bs.bul=New bul bs\image=CopyImage(image) bs\x=x bs\y=y bs\angle=0 bs\angle=ATan2(y-ys,xs-x) End Function .updatebullet For bs.bul=Each bul bs\angle=ATan2(xs-bs\x,ys-bs\y); work out the angle based on the bullet and the target(most accurate) DrawImage bs\image,bs\x,bs\y bs\x=bs\x+Sin(bs\angle)*bul_speed bs\y=bs\y+Cos(bs\angle)*bul_speed If bs\y<0 Then FreeImage bs\image Delete bs.bul ElseIf ImagesCollide(bs\image,bs\x,bs\y,0,main,xs,ys,2) Then; this time since the bullet will not leave the screen we must check to see if it collides with the target, if so then delete it FreeImage bs\image Delete bs.bul End If Next Return |
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thx but so they dont shot^^ or to less :) @joker sanks for your help ;) |
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if you need anymore, feel free to post back :D |