Is there a way to open more than one file at once?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Is there a way to open more than one file at once?

Wrath_of_Zeus(Posted 2003) [#1]
I would like to open my whole project, which is several files. Right now, I click file->open, have to leave the sample directory, find my directory, open the first file, then repeat until all files I need are open.

I can't seem to select all files in order to open them. Is there some short cut? Can I at least change the main directory that it looks to in order to find files?

Warren(Posted 2003) [#2]
I think you're only recourse is to use one of the replacement IDE's, like Protean, which have a concept of project files/management.

Wrath_of_Zeus(Posted 2003) [#3]
I'll do a search for it. Is Protean the best?

Warren(Posted 2003) [#4]
IMO, it is.

WolRon(Posted 2003) [#5]
The recently used files menu is only two clicks per file...

morduun(Posted 2003) [#6]
No offense at all intended to Rob, the author or Protean -- it's a very nice tool and all -- but cripes it's way overpriced. For about $10 less you can get a legit copy of UltraEdit, which is much more capable in many ways, and there's lots of pointers around to get it to work flawlessly with any Blitz.

I don't think I'd ever bother sinking more than $5-$10 into a new blitz-specific IDE, given the Blitz IDE is competent and if I really wanted something more, UltraEdit's already out there.

okee(Posted 2003) [#7]
or Blitzview which is free

wedoe(Posted 2003) [#8]
Semar did a project-program that does this for you.
It was posted at the BC-site but if you mail him
I'm sure he'll help you.

Warren(Posted 2003) [#9]
Protean costs more for a reason. Use it for a few hours and you'll come to see why.

As with anything in life, you get what you pay for. Free products are only free if you don't value your time.

morduun(Posted 2003) [#10]
Never said Protean wasn't for =someone=. Just not for me. Regardless, expensive products are not always expensive because they're the best solution. I have yet to see any functionality in Protean that 'blows away' the Blitz IDE so utterly that I'd spend half again as much as I did for Blitz, just for another IDE. And there's certainly nothing so revolutionary in Protean as to recommend it over Ultra.

All IMO naturally. If you do decide to give Protean a try, don't forget that nasty little 24MB download for .NET you'll need as well.

Warren(Posted 2003) [#11]
I have yet to see any functionality in Protean that 'blows away' the Blitz IDE so utterly that I'd spend half again as much as I did for Blitz

Then, quite honestly, I have to say you really haven't looked closely enough. The intellisense alone (on Blitz functions AND your own - all done in real time) is enough to warrant the price for me.

morduun(Posted 2003) [#12]
Intellisense does nothing for me. I turn it off in any other dev apps I use as well for other languages. And before you get your back any further up, yes, I code for a living. Nice, big apps, too. Short summary: there's more than one way to skin that cat, and tooltip popups annoy the hell out of me.

Now like I said previously, I'm not saying it has no utility in general or is not 'of value' -- no need for you to get so sensitive. I don't find it worth the price. You and I code differently. It's not unusal. Deal with the fact that I may not like your favorite flavor of ice cream -- and that, horror of horrors, someone else may from time to time agree with me -- and we'll all get along, eh?

cyberseth(Posted 2003) [#13]
Visual Blitz is nice, by Eddy Blitzmaniac. I'd give you a link but BC is down for the moment.

Oh, and on the bonus side, it's free.

Warren(Posted 2003) [#14]
Intellisense does nothing for me. I turn it off in any other dev apps I use as well for other languages. And before you get your back any further up, yes, I code for a living. Nice, big apps, too. Short summary: there's more than one way to skin that cat, and tooltip popups annoy the hell out of me.

Don't worry, I can't form a coherent reply to this anyway. I'm in such a state of shock at the moment ...

Now like I said previously, I'm not saying it has no utility in general or is not 'of value' -- no need for you to get so sensitive. I don't find it worth the price. You and I code differently. It's not unusal. Deal with the fact that I may not like your favorite flavor of ice cream -- and that, horror of horrors, someone else may from time to time agree with me -- and we'll all get along, eh?

Who's sensitive? Don't like Protean? Fine, don't use it. No skin off my ass. I was just trying to point out that it does have features that other IDE's don't, and that 'free' is an illusion.

Ice9(Posted 2003) [#15]
Undo would be the biggest