Breakout physics
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Breakout physics
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I'm working on a breakout style game in blitz but I have one major problem. I have no clue as to how I should go about coding the ball physics, or more accurately how to even make the ball bounce around the screen >.<. I'm not really worried about the colisions code or anything like that just the ball physics code. I've looked it up on google and wasn't able to find very much in the way of what I am looking for, which is really an explanation of how it works rather then just code although example code would be great. Thanks in advance for any help. Figment |
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well, basically if you want a bouce, just invert the driection. say if the ball was travelling up and left and hit a block above the ball, then invert the y speed. i think the most difficult thing would be to determine which side of the block it hit, but you could simply compare the x and y co-ords of both. |
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in fact, just trying to put together code for it. it don't seem so easy now. you'll probably have to check collisions with the top bottom left and right of the ball |
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I remember doing this years ago in AMOS! =) Say for example the ball is moving up and right, it could hit in 2 different ways.. 1) Hit the left hand side of a block in which case you need to invert the X direction to make it go left 2) Hit the bottom of a block in which case you need to invert the Y direction to make it go down Instead of moving the ball to the next position then checking for collisions I did this, this was for a 2D game.. Move the ball X coord only check for collisions and invert X direction if hit Move the ball Y coord only check for collisions and invert Y direction if hit this way I was able to tell if the ball had hit the side or top/bottom of a block. Of course, if you are making this game in 3D you could just check the collision normal to work out which face of the block the ball hits. |
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yeah, finally cracked it. i wish i had read shambler's post tho, but here it is. oh it's for 2d btw!Graphics 800,600 SetBuffer BackBuffer() blockimg=CreateImage(32,32) SetBuffer ImageBuffer(blockimg) Rect 0,0,32,32 MidHandle blockimg ball=CreateImage(20,20) SetBuffer ImageBuffer(ball) Oval 0,0,20,20 MidHandle ball bx=300 by=360 bxdir=-4 bydir=-4 Type block Field image Field x,y Field life End Type For loop=1 To 10 b.block=New block b\image=blockimg b\x=Rnd(40,600) b\y=Rnd(50,500) b\life=2 MidHandle b\image Next SetBuffer BackBuffer() While Not KeyHit(1) Cls Gosub update_ball DrawImage ball,bx,by Flip Wend End .update_ball bx=bx+bxdir by=by+bydir If bx<10 Or bx>700 Then bx=bx-bxdir bxdir=bxdir*-1 End If If by<20 Or by>590 Then by=by-bydir bydir=bydir*-1 End If For b.block=Each block DrawImage b\image,b\x,b\y If ImagesCollide(ball,bx,by,0,b\image,b\x,b\y,0) Then If b\y=>by And b\x=>bx Then If b\y-by>b\x-bx And bydir>0 Then bydir=bydir*-1 Else bxdir=bxdir*-1 End If ElseIf b\y=>by And b\x<=bx Then If b\y-by>bx-b\x And bydir>0 Then bydir=bydir*-1 Else bxdir=bxdir*-1 End If ElseIf b\y<=by And b\x>=bx If by-b\y>b\x-bx And bydir<0 Then bydir=bydir*-1 Else bxdir=bxdir*-1 End If ElseIf b\y<=by And b\x<=bx If by-b\y>bx-b\x And bydir<0 Then bydir=bydir*-1 Else bxdir=bxdir*-1 End If Else bxdir=bxdir*-1 bydir=bydir*-1 End If b\life=b\life-1 If b\life=0 Then Delete b.block End If Next Return |
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ok, here's an updated version. you can specify in the loop at the beginning how many block you want and how many times you want it to get hit before it disappears. sorry for not commented it. i'm in a wee bit of a rush :D |
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Thank alot, all of this really helps. Time to get my code on. |
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I tried your (joker) code, but unfortunately, it doesn't change the velocity or angle of the ball depending on where it hit the square (like if the square was the paddle). Games like BreakOut do that. Of course, that's a whole other hurdle... |
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Changing ball direction based on where it hits the paddle is simply a matter of comparing the difference in X coordinates between the ball and paddle positions. Pseudo code: If Ball hits Paddle ;Reverse ball Y direction BallYDirection=-BallYDirection ;Work out where it hit /2 copes with changing paddle/ball sizes Diff=(Paddle.x+Paddlewidth/2)-(Ball.x+Ballwidth/2) ;Change ball direction BallXSpeed=Diff/10 ( sensitivity value ) |
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oh rite, i didn't put that in because i don't remember it being like that. i thought that only happenned to the paddle. mind you, long time since i've played it |
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Okay I tried this in 3d...I get a memory access violation...Graphics3D 640,480,16,1 font=LoadFont("Arial",32,True) SetFont font SetBuffer BackBuffer() blurtex=CreateTexture(0,0,0) camera=CreateCamera() CameraClsMode camera,0,1 sprite=CreateSprite(camera) MoveEntity sprite,0,0,640 ScaleSprite sprite,640,640 EntityOrder sprite,-1 ;EntityTexture sprite,blurtex EntityAlpha sprite,0.75 EntityBlend sprite,3 Const CUBE_COL=1 Const SPHERE_COL=2 ;create ball Global ball=CreateSphere(12) ScaleEntity ball,3,3,3 EntityColor ball,100,100,255 EntityShininess ball,.2 Global balldirection = 0 ;create paddle Global p1=CreateCube() ScaleEntity p1,8,2,2 EntityColor p1,50,60,20 ;setup Collisions table EntityType ball,SPHERE_COL EntityType p1, CUBE_COL Collisions ball,p1,2,2 ground=CreateSphere(32) EntityColor ground,0,0,0 EntityType p1,2 While Not KeyHit(1) If count=3 CameraViewport camera,0,0,50,50 RenderWorld CopyRect 0,0,256,256,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(blurtex) CameraViewport camera,0,0,GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight() count=0 EndIf count=count+1 MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2 PositionEntity camera,0,100,1 RotateEntity camera,80,0,0 If x1#<-180 Then x1#=-180 If x1#>180 Then x1#=180 PositionEntity camera,0,0,200 RotateEntity camera,178,0,0 PositionEntity p1,x1#,122,0 MoveEntity ball,.5,.5,0 If EntityCollided(ball,p1) Then AlignToVector ball, CollisionNX (p1, 1), CollisionNY (p1, 1),CollisionNZ(p1,1), 3 EndIf UpdateWorld RenderWorld Color 0,0,0 Flip x1#=x1#-MouseXSpeed() Wend End aghhhhhh.... |
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it's the collisions command which is giving the error when you use the collisions commands the first two parameters are the entitytype numbers not the entity names. so it should be collisions SPHERE_COL,CUBE_COL,2,2 |
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hi , did it work with Jokers, small fix .. im curious how it looks when it works , i just started to code in bliz again :D cheers! /gnasher |