ExecFile help!

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/ExecFile help!

Prama(Posted 2003) [#1]
for launching M.A.M.E I use

but ExecFile("c:\mame\mame.exe bublbobl") for launching game don't work.
why "ExecFile" don't take argument behind the executable
please help me. (sorry for my english i'm french)

pemaden25(Posted 2003) [#2]
Hmm, I was wondering this as well, but my problem was solved a lot easier =P

Instead of MAME dos prompts, I made a NES launcher, so all i had to type was


and since i set the nes emulator as default opener for the .nes extension it automatically opened it with nes emulator..Dont think you can do this with mame, as its more Dos..But I dont much no anything about MAME

Nibble(Posted 2003) [#3]
ExecFile("c:\mame\mame.exe bublbobl") should work, assuming that the correct path for mame.exe and %1 are provided, and this is the proper way to tell mame to load a file. It's possible that %1 is not using the full path (ie x.y instead of c:\mame\roms\x.y) or that it requires quotation marks to surround it (in that case, it would be ExecFile("c:\mame\mame.exe "+Chr$(34)+"bublbobl"+Chr$(34))).

%1 = first command line parameter.

Prama(Posted 2003) [#4]
I solved my problem , the solution is use 'ChangeDir "c:\mame"' for pointing in the MAME directory

MagicalTux(Posted 2003) [#5]
Yea, I guess mame couldn't find the file bulbolb in the current dir.
You could also do that (if mame supports) :
ExecFile("c:\mame\mame.exe C:\mame\bulbbolb.nes")