Space shuttle

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Space shuttle

Agamer(Posted 2003) [#1]
I don't know were really to post this question as its not for help in programing but a question for a game i'm making which is not programing if you get what i mean

So on to the question:

1.I'm trying to create 2 models of the space shtle oe from insie and one for the out side so i need acurate plans for both and i can't find any over the internet

2. I need the speed spesifications and how long it takes the space crafts th get to the moon MOON MOON

3.A flight plan for how they het to the moon

4. the landing proceduers

if any one know were to get that info please tell

thanks in advance

Rob Farley(Posted 2003) [#2]

SoggyP(Posted 2003) [#3]
Hi Folks,

Um, try the NASA site? Also, there was a game out a while ago about the space shuttle - you might want to check that out.



Agamer(Posted 2003) [#4]
yeh but were at nassa i lokked and looked all i want is those bit previously staded and i seem to find everything but

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2003) [#5]
Agamer, my friend-

If you're making a shuttle simulation, avoid making it real-time like the plague. Sitting in front of a computer for days on end navigating through empty space towards a giant sphere will detract all but the most hardened sim fans.

That design decision aside, it could make a decent game.

"That's no moon, it's a space station"

Andy(Posted 2003) [#6]
>1.I'm trying to create 2 models of the space shtle oe from
>insie and one for the out side so i need acurate plans for
>both and i can't find any over the internet

Scale plans of the exterior available here:

Some pictures of the interior:

>2. I need the speed spesifications and how long it takes
>the space crafts th get to the moon MOON MOON

The american orbiter doesn't get to the moon... It is designed to go into orbit areound the earth, hence the name.

>3.A flight plan for how they het to the moon

They don't, but for the ascent stage you can find a description here:

>4. the landing proceduers

Something here:

Something else:

All of this was found on the internet using google and your keywords in less than 5 minutes.


Agamer(Posted 2003) [#7]
well i couldn't find anything well thanks for the advice

EOF(Posted 2003) [#8]
About the game SoggyP mentioned:
You'll find it HERE at
Just get hold of a C64 emulator such as VICE or CCS64

WolRon(Posted 2003) [#9]
3.A flight plan for how they het to the moon

There is none, because no one has ever been to the moon.

I'm not joking.

Put a little thought into it and you will see where my reasoning lies. (Here's one for starters: Why has no one ever gone back to the moon after technology has advanced? Perhaps because they wouldn't be able to pull off such a hoax in this day and age where so many other countries of the world have technologies that could prove them wrong (telescopes, satellites, and the like).)

GfK(Posted 2003) [#10]
Why has no one ever gone back to the moon after technology has advanced?)
Because there's sod-all there, possibly?

Tracer(Posted 2003) [#11]
The Shuttle can only get up to about 600km's above the earth surface. And then only after some MAJOR math work.

The moon was reached by the Apollo rockets and then only one stage of the entire huge thing.

Speed wise i can tell you one thing, to get into orbit, through the atmosphere, it has to go mach 26.
