Problem with Mouse Coordinates
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Problem with Mouse Coordinates
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Hi! I am using a modified version of the code (code archives\3d graphics), where the Mouse coordinates are converted into 3d coordinates. But it results in a "Memory Accses Violation". Here is the code: [CODE]Function Project2DTo3DOrtho(mx,my) ;Check the mouse is in the 3d window ;If mx>=100 And mx<=700 And my=>100 And my<=500 ;Get mouse position in relation to the 3d viewport vx=mx;-100 vy=my;-100 ;Get the 2d position of the origin CameraProject camera,0,0,0 x#=ProjectedX() y#=ProjectedY() ;Get the 2d position of 1,1,1 CameraProject camera,1,1,1 x1#=ProjectedX() y1#=ProjectedY() ;Take one from the other to find the distance dx#=x1-x dy#=y1-y ;World position is : wpx#=(vx-x)/dx wpy#=(vy-y)/dy ;Looking down the Z Axis Text 0,0,"Cursor is at World position X : "+wpx Text 0,12," Y : "+wpy ;EndIf End Function[/CODE]Please help me. Sorry for my bad english, I'm a boy living in Austria |
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You need a global entity called camera.Global camera=CreateCamera() |