How to add string togethor
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/How to add string togethor
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Redone post: Why does this happen comm1$="none" comm2$="not" comm3$="never" message$=comm1$+" "+comm2$+" "+comm3$ print "aaa:"+message$ when printedor with writeline i get aaa: nonotnever (yeah the spaces come in front of the string! it should look like aaa:no not never |
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this works perfectly for me:a$="none" b$="not" c$="never" msg$=a+" "+b+" "+c Print "aaa: "+msg I can't see why it wouldn't work. Copy and paste this into Blitz (use menu/edit/paste) and see whether it works. |
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works fine here too |
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okay yeah i tested in normally, not sure why it wont work in my program. heres my code! [code] Function CommandReader(c.connection) status=c\status comm=1 c\comm1$="" c\comm2$="" c\comm3$="" c\comm4$="" c\message$="" While ReadAvail(c\stream) d=ReadByte(c\stream) Select True Case d>96 If comm=1 Then c\comm1$=c\comm1$+Chr$(d) If comm=2 Then c\comm2$=c\comm2$+Chr$(d) If comm=3 Then c\comm3$=c\comm3$+Chr$(d) If comm=4 Then c\comm4$=c\comm4$+Chr$(d) If comm=5 Then c\message$=c\message$+Chr$(d) Case d=32 c\comm2$=c\comm2$+Chr$(32) If comm=1 Then comm=2 If comm=2 Then comm=3 If comm=3 Then comm=4 If comm=4 Then comm=5 End Select Wend If status=MENU MenuXX C If status=NEWUSER NewUserX c If status=SELRACE SelRaceX c If status=SELCLASS SelClassX c If status=PLAYING PlayingX c End Function Case command$="gossip" ;ks$=Chr$(160) ;comm2$=comm2$+Chr$(32) ;comm3$=comm3$+Chr$(32) msg$=comm2$+" "+comm3$+" "+comm4$+" "+message$ For a.player=Each player If a\name$=p\name$ Then WriteLine p\stream, "You gossip: "+msg$ Else WriteLine a\stream, p\name$+" gossips "+msg$ EndIf Next x=1 |
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well i restarted my mud project so its easier for me to use.. this is what i got in the last hour so so, and hour of this thing not working!AppTitle "MDB-MUD DEMO VERSION 1" Graphics 600,400,16,3 Color 0,0,255 Global Server Const Menu=1 Const NewChar1=2 Const NewChar2=3 Const Newchar3=4 Const PlayChar1=5 Const PlayChar2=6 Const Playing=7 Const Logoff=8 Global comm1$ Global comm2$ Global comm3$ Global comm4$ Global message$ Global msg$ Print "MDB-MUD Demon Version 1**********" Print "Programmed in Blitz Basic! **********" Print "Written by Michael D. Boruta II*******" Print "*******************************" server=CreateTCPServer(4000) If Not server Then Print "Server Failed to start on port 4000!" Print "terminating Program!...sorry!" Delay 1000 End Else Print "Server started! Telnet to port 4000 to play!" Print "*Now Listening for *Connections**" Print "Hit the ESCAPE KEY to Shutdown MDB-MUD!" EndIf While Not KeyHit(1) CheckNew Readstream Delay 200 Wend Cls:Text 100,100,"MDB MUD TERMINATED...shutting down!" Delay 1500 End Function CheckNew() stream=AcceptTCPStream(server) If stream Then Print "*CONNECTION RECIEVED*" p.player=New player p\stream=stream p\status=Menu WriteLine p\stream, "Welcome to MDB MUD Server!!!" WriteLine p\stream, "" DisplayMenu p EndIf End Function Function ReadStream() For p.player=Each player If Not p\stream Logoff p If ReadAvail(p\stream) Then CommandReader p EndIf Next End Function Function commandreader(p.player) comm=1 comm1$="" comm2$="" comm3$="" comm4$="" message$="" While ReadAvail(p\stream) d=ReadByte(p\stream) Select True Case d>32 If comm=1 Then comm1$=comm1$+Chr$(d) If comm=2 Then comm2$=comm2$+Chr$(d) If comm=3 Then comm3$=comm3$+Chr$(d) If comm=4 Then comm4$=comm4$+Chr$(d) If comm=5 Then message$=message$+Chr$(d) Case d=32 If comm=1 Then comm=2 ;And comm1$=comm1$ If comm=2 Then comm=3 ;And comm2$=comm2$ If comm=3 Then comm=4 ;And comm3$=comm3$ If comm=4 Then comm=5 ;And comm4$=comm4$ End Select Wend comm2$=comm2$+" " Print "Command:"+comm2$+" "+"xxx"+"xxx" SelectStatus p End Function Function DisplayMenu(p.player) WriteLine p\stream, "" WriteLine p\stream, "" WriteLine p\stream, "" WriteLine p\stream, " Main Menu:" WriteLine p\stream, " *********************" WriteLine p\stream, " * *" WriteLine p\stream, " * (P)lay Character *" WriteLine p\stream, " * *" WriteLine p\stream, " * (N)ew Character *" WriteLine p\stream, " * *" WriteLine p\stream, " * (W)hos Online *" WriteLine p\stream, " * *" WriteLine p\stream, " * (V)iew Helpfiles *" WriteLine p\stream, " * *" WriteLine p\stream, " *********************" WriteLine p\stream, " * *" WriteLine p\stream, " * Your Command:___ *" WriteLine p\stream, " * *" WriteLine p\stream, " *********************" WriteLine p\stream, " " End Function Function SelectStatus(p.player) Select True Case p\status=PLAYING Playing p Case p\status=Menu Menu p Case p\status=NewChar1 SelectName p Case p\status=NewChar2 SelectPassword p Case p\status=NewChar3 VerifyPassword p Case p\status=PlayChar1 ValidateName p Case p\status=Playchar2 Validatepassword p Case p\status=Logoff Logoff p End Select End Function Function Playing(p.player) command$=comm1$ x=0 Select True Case command$="gossip" ;ks$=Chr$(160) ;comm2$=comm2$+Chr$(32) ;comm3$=comm3$+Chr$(32) msg$=comm2$+comm3$+comm4$+message$ For a.player=Each player If a\name$=p\name$ Then WriteLine p\stream, "You gossip: "+msg$ Else WriteLine a\stream, p\name$+" gossips "+msg$ EndIf Next x=1 Case command$="quit" logoff p x=1 Case command$="who" wholist p x=1 Case command$="recall" p\curr_room=000 WriteLine p\stream, "You recall back to Town Sqaure" x=1 Case command$="help" WriteLine p\stream, "Sorry, no Helpfiles have been added yet *sniff*" x=1 Case command$="" WriteLine p\stream, "You look around Town Sqaure wearily" x=1 End Select If x<>1 WriteLine p\stream, "Sorry that command is not yet written!" End Function Function Menu(p.player) Print "Function Menu!" If comm1$<>"" Then command$=Left(comm1$,1) Print command$ EndIf If command$="n" Then WriteLine p\stream, "Please choose your name: " p\status=NewChar1 EndIf If command$="w" wholist p If command$="v" Then WriteLine p\stream, "Sorry no helpfiles have been added yet!" EndIf If command$="p" Then WriteLine p\stream, "What is your characters name? " p\status=Playchar1 EndIf End Function Function SelectName(p.player) If command$<>"" Then WriteLine p\stream, "Sorry your Name must be at least 3 characters long...try again." Else p\name$=comm1$ WriteLine p\stream, "Welcome to MDB MUD!!!"+p\name$ WriteLine p\stream, "What password would you like? " p\status=NewChar2 EndIf End Function Function SelectPassword(p.player) If comm1$<>"" Then p\password$=comm1$ WriteLine p\stream, "Please Verifty that your password is: "+p\password$ p\status=NewChar3 Else WriteLine p\stream, "Sorry password not accepted!" EndIf End Function Function VerifyPassword(p.player) checkpw$=comm1$ If comm1$=p\password$ Then WriteLine p\stream,"Password Verified....You are now Playing" p\status=PLAYING startup p Else WriteLine p\stream, "Sorry the passwords did not match, please try again!" p\password$="" p\status=NewChar2 WriteLine p\stream, "Please try another password:" EndIf End Function Function Validatename(p.player) End Function Function Validatepassword(p.player) End Function Function Startup(p.player) p\curr_room=000 WriteLine p\stream, "This is a test server, Races,Classes, Areas, etc are not in yet" WriteLine p\stream, "The following commands are in(case sensitive too" WriteLine p\stream, "quit recall who help gossip" WriteLine p\stream, "almost in: north south east west ne se sw se up down look(room only)" WriteLine p\stream, "almost in: say tell whois look(someone), look(object), cast" WriteLine p\stream, "almost in: helpfiles, spell,skill.score,stat" WriteLine p\stream, "Please enjoy the game, hopefully will soon be completed" WriteLine p\stream, "New areas, etc etc will always be added...Thank you for playing!" WriteLine p\stream, "Welcome to Town Sqaure" End Function Function logoff(p.player) If p\stream Then WriteLine p\stream, "GOODBYE!...come back soon!" EndIf CloseTCPStream(p\stream) Delete p End Function Function Wholist(p.player) WriteLine p\stream, "Players found:" c#=0 For a.player=Each player c#=c#+1 WriteLine p\stream, "Level 50: "+p\name$+" "+p\title$ Next WriteLine p\stream, "Total players found: "+c# End Function Type player Field stream Field status Field name$ Field password$ Field Title$ Field curr_room End Type |
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p.s you'd need to telnet over to your ip address, i use zmud, and use n to create a new char, choose name, type password twice, and then gossip once you are "playing" to see its not working, perhaps its cause i'm changing functions?? i also tried it without using p\comm1$, and just using comm1$,etc, but to no avail *sigh* |
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First of all, why not replace all of this:Case d=32 If comm=1 Then comm=2 ;And comm1$=comm1$ If comm=2 Then comm=3 ;And comm2$=comm2$ If comm=3 Then comm=4 ;And comm3$=comm3$ If comm=4 Then comm=5 ;And comm4$=comm4$ with just this: Case d=32 comm = comm + 1 I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to accomplish. Here you are adding a space to the end of the comm2$ variable but you don't do the same for any of the other variables (comm1$, comm3$, etc.) comm2$=comm2$+" " And here you are printing a space after comm2$ (even though you added a space to comm2$ earlier) but you don't put any spaces between the other texts. Print "Command:"+comm2$+" "+"xxx"+"xxx" I really don't understand your problem OR what you are trying to do. You should try stepping through your program with debug enabled. |