freeware apps for mainly 2D games
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/freeware apps for mainly 2D games
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I have got my site together of most of the links people have given me, and here it is. Sorry if its "off topic" but I didn't know where to post it, and thought here would be best. so please visit, if you're short of handy apps to get your 2D masterpiece together, and post if there is a great program I've left out. I haven't managed to include all the suggestions I've got, cos I've got to download (56K modem) the file and check it out and do a screengrab etc, and that takes a little time, so I'm still working on it. My idea was, I couldn't make a huge contribution to the board, not being a great programmer, but maybe this was something that some folks would find handy. heres the link, feedback welcome... 2D GAME DESIGN UTILITIES cheers |
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This is very good... I will have a look at that voice creation program for instance, it would be nice to have robotic voices in a game! Like in Battlestar Galactica. ;) |
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cool I am still updating the site, and there is some "fun" stuff in the "non game" section, like the LCARS media player... |
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just added an app that will do an audio capture from the system... it captures output from another program and saves it as a WAV file. Its real hard to find freeware audio grabbers, and this one is discontinued, but still available for download :) |
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cool, nice site :) just want to say thanks for putting BlitzUI on there :D |
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added some more links to the links page |
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Good collection of stuff here - there aren't enough sites like this that bring together useful tools that Blitzers can use. Minor problem I know, but how do you go to the software mentioned? :) There don't seem to be any actual links? V. useful though, nice one. |
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@caff the links are in the black column at the left if you have scrolled down, they may be hidden up at the top of the page. If there's still a problem, can you post? Nothing worse than a web site thats not working... cheers |
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Ah whoops yeah, just got confused by the navigation method. That makes sense ;) |
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Keyboard, you might want to stick the link in your sig so that people who don't visit the beginners area have the opportunity of seeing it. |
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@Pertubatio why, thats just mad enough to work... @Caff the user is always right, so its my fault. I'll make the other text hotlinks as well. |
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the user is always right No, no, no, no, no.... Never say that, they'll have you doing all sorts of crazy things like updating regularly, changing fonts to look nicer and all sorts of other work! |
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I cant get through to the link here, is the site ok or it it offline temporarily? |
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@AndyBoy_UK yeah, just found I couldn't telnet in, and the page is not responding to a request, so I guess the server is having some problems. The review of the hosts was fairly positive, given that it is a free web host with no ads, so I'm hoping it won't be down for too long. Just as I put the link in my sig :) sorry inconvenience. <edit> just checked and the server is delivering the home page, but some of the other pages are really slow loading, but anyway, its there. This is the first problem I've had, so I hope the server is reliable in future. |
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the server is running again and delivering all the pages. just added ULTIMATE PAINT and thank you Harold Lehman for the link. ULTIMATE PAINT is a direct descendant of Deluxe Paint of Amiga fame, and there is a freeware version available. It is an old version I think, they have a shareware version on the site too, but the freeware one has a ton of great features, and fans of DELUXE PAINT might be happy to see it. |
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the BLITZ LINKS page is looking pretty healthy now, plenty of links to sites with tutorials and code examples. I am only putting sites that have stuff for learning mainly, though that is not a rule also added what I think is a good FREE WINDOWS INSTALLER that doesn't have a nag or ad screen. in the COOL TOOLS page. it uninstalls too, impress your friends :) |