Advice needed - starting 2D or 3D game?
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Advice needed - starting 2D or 3D game?
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Hi All, It's been awhile since I tinkered with Blitz (a year?). Anyway, I have an idea for a game that "seems" like it should be done in 2-D, but want to make sure I go down the right patch. I will be using a board of hexagonal squares. Players will place pieces on the board. The pieces can and will be rotated as they are positioned via mouse movement. The pieces will be "created" in the sense that there will be a base image and extra features overlayed on top to produce a custom image. The combined image will then be the piece that is manipulated as a whole (rotated, animated, etc..) What I've written in the past was in 3D. I wrote a Scrabble game where the tiles were 3D blocks and the camera could be moved in 3D space, etc... Just want to know if the 2D command set for sprites is robust enough that I can do whatever image manipulation/rotation/etc... may be required. I've seen reference to an Extended 2D lib and just wonder what might be the need for this - in other words, what capabilities did Blitz2D have that required this extended lib. Any help would be appreciated! thanks...Dave |
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hey! well blitz can do alot with images. shear, rotate, scale, and various other things. Problem is that these aren't quick enough to do in real time unless you use the afore-mentioned UserLib by John Pickford i believe. When i say not quick enough in real time it would be okay to use, it would be fine in a board game where constant moving and rotating is happening. The bit about the custom image is do-able to, you set the drawing buffer to the image and draw over it to produce your combined image. post back if you want an examples of anything like drawing onto image or shearing and stuff :D And good luck with your project! |
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Thanks, joker! I think I'll start going down the 2D path and see if I need the userlib later. Dave |