Translate Entity help
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Translate Entity help
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ok, first off i know what translate etity does. It moves an entity along the x y z axis regardless of which way it is facing. What i don't get is what the gloabl/local flag is for. I thought the whole point of translate entity was to move entity's along the axis's. Anyone care to slap some sense into me and explain the difference? Thanks in advance |
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when you use translateentity you move in world coordinates which never change. Maybe with the global/local flag it will use the entity coordinates ie the x value will shift the entity left/right and the z value will shift the entity forwards/back not matter which way it faces. In other words it will either use world or entity coordinates. |
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oh rite, thanks for the explanion :o) |
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Sinu, that's not quite the correct explanation. Local coordinates only makes a difference if the entity is parented, so TranslateEntity will use the parent entity's axes and with the global flag true it will always use the world axes. You will only notice a difference if: 1. The entity you want to translate has a parents 2. That parent is not aligned with the world axes |
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oh rite cool, thanks Ken. that could be very handy :) |
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@Ken, i put "maybe" and wasn't sure myself so thanks for the proper explanation :) |