blitz3d x2
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/blitz3d x2
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dear all is there a way of opening 2 windowed blitz3d programs & sending messages between them in real time? i would like to open one window with a loaded 3d model & control the model with a gui in the other window. cheers Shawnus |
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You can do it with the networking commands, by running one app as the server and the other as the client. |
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you can goto networking command samples in your blitz commands referance |
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Thanks for the replies- are there any practical examples of this anywhere where I can examine the code? Cheers Shawnus |
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this the code which is available in the command ref. create a file and place the following ######################################################## ; --- Start first code set --- ; Create a server and listen for push svrGame=CreateTCPServer(8080) If svrGame<>0 Then Print "Server started successfully." Else Print "Server failed to start." End End If While Not KeyHit(1) strStream=AcceptTCPStream(svrGame) If strStream Then Print ReadString$(strStream) Delay 2000 End Else Print "No word from Apollo X yet ..." Delay 1000 End If Wend End ; --- End first code set --- ######################################################## create another file and copy the following ######################################################## ; --- Start second code set --- ; Copy this code to another instance of Blitz Basic ; Run the above code first, then run this ... they will 'talk' ; Create a Client and push data strmGame=OpenTCPStream("",8080) If strmGame<>0 Then Print "Client Connected successfully." Else Print "Server failed to connect." WaitKey End End If ; write stream to server WriteString strmGame,"Mission Control, this is Apollo X ..." Print "Completed sending message to Mission control..." ; --- End second code set ---######################################################## enjoy |
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I've been working on an app like yours. Remember that when you send info treat the stream just like a file. ex: ------------------------------- "Server App" Stream = CreateStream() WriteString "Cool", Stream WriteInt 4534233, Stream WriteByte 56, Stream SendUDPStream Stream, IP, Port ------------------------------- "Client App" Stream = CreateUDPStream() Stream = RecvdUDPStream ReadString$ = ReadString( Stream ) Integer = ReadInt( Stream ) Byte = ReadByte( Stream ) This helped me out a lot and will probably do the same for you. If you have any other questions I'd be more than happy to help you out. |
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Thanks guys- I will try. cheers, Shawnus |