seperating bb files

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/seperating bb files

Ruz(Posted 2003) [#1]
can I have my media a loaded from a seperate file and have my main file still read it.
For example if I had a load of pickups which i need to reference in my main loop, could I just go

Include "../"

this is just more tidy than having all my media in one big messy file

Perturbatio(Posted 2003) [#2]
As far as I know, an include simply inserts the code you include in the specified position just before compile time.

So in short... yes.

Ruz(Posted 2003) [#3]
cool, thanks.

Mustang(Posted 2003) [#4]
From the docs:

Include filename$
filename$ - name of .bb file to be 'Include(d)' in quotes.
Includes the contents of the specified .bb file in the current source code file.

Useful for when you're code gets too big, or you just want to organise functions that you've finalised and functions that you're working on.

The Include command effectively "cuts and pastes" the contents of the .bb file to be included into the current file at the point of the Include function call, temporarily, before being passed to the compiler to Execute.

Note that each .bb file can only be included once.

Ruz(Posted 2003) [#5]
Yeah i was used to working with u script files previosuly.
I have a lot more media content than code right now,so that really helps things.
cheers mustang for that as well, hadn't read that.