
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Fonts

_PJ_(Posted 2003) [#1]
Sometimes, with very large / video-memory-guzzling programs, the Font acts as if it is invalid and just the standard B3d font is displayed.


Why don't 'some symbol-type fonts' work with Blitz3D?

Finally, If I have a valid TTF font, in the same folder as the .exe, which is also installed on my machine, and then copy the .exe AND font (plus reequired media files) into a folder within the C:\ drive of a friends' computer - how come the font doesn't display until my friend Installs the font? - Is there a way within Blitz to install the font correctly to the c://Windows/Fonts/ folder?

These issues, although minor, can be quite annoying!

semar(Posted 2003) [#2]
The font file name should match the font name.

The font name is revealed when you double click on the font.

For example.

Suppose you have westm.ttf font in c:\windows\fonts folder.

If you double click on it, it reveals the name font, which is 'westminster'.

Now, copy (via dos command) the font from the windows\font folder, to your game main folder.

Rename it like the name of the font; you should then have a file named westminster.ttf.

Refer to that file in your game.

So, to summarize: the font file name should be the same of the font name.


_PJ_(Posted 2003) [#3]
I always change the filename of fonts to the actual font name, and make a copy in the .exe folder location for using LoadFont.

However, on another person's computer, if they haven't got this font installed, it doesn't show.

Is there a way of installing the font in Blitz?

keyboard(Posted 2003) [#4]
Malice, why not go with bitmap fonts?

_PJ_(Posted 2003) [#5]
gah- re-writing this coz ntl are $%*$%$%s :)


Anyway - I have thought about bitmap fnts, and they do seem to be recommended a lot here. Of course, they look better, can be multi-coloured etc etc but, aren't they slow?
I assume (maybe wrongly) that they work by having an image containing your preferred alphabet of characters, then you select the correct one by selecting the 'frame' of the bitmap as read from a string(?)

keyboard(Posted 2003) [#6]
yes, that is a pretty good assumption...

of course, you can select the frame of the bitmap however you want, by reading the ascii chars off the keyboard, and assigning them to a corresponding frame number etc.

the manual says: " for ultra fast text use images instead of fonts"

but the temptation, when using a bitmap font, is to make one of such blinding originality that no-one can read it.

Ice9(Posted 2003) [#7]
Make sure you have copyright permission if you are using a truetype font. You have to have that permission to distribute it with your program.

_PJ_(Posted 2003) [#8]
Fortunately, I have used fonts that state I can use them freely as long as I give credit to the creator where required.

Although I am still using 'borrowed' meshes temporarily until I learn how to make my own models :)

FlameDuck(Posted 2003) [#9]
Use "Bitmap fonts". Much less of a headache. Trust me.

I recommend Fontext.