Blitz WebSite

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Blitz WebSite

Gauge(Posted 2003) [#1]
Would it be possible in blitz to make your own website? And if so, How? Any code examples out their? Or what program(s) can I run my own website from my computer?

Neo Genesis10(Posted 2003) [#2]
It is perfectly possible to design a Blitz app which can decipher html and display it (as well as edit). But to do this you'd need to have a good knowledge of html code and design a parser / translator.

Other apps which can create webpages are FrontPage, DreamWeaver and even Microsoft Word. There are also a number of online builders at various sites (GeoCities and Angelfire included). Take your pick.

Andy(Posted 2003) [#3]
If by 'running' your own website, you mean serving it so that others can see it on the internet, then you need a webserver such as Sambar server


Ken Lynch(Posted 2003) [#4]
can I run my own website from my computer?

I really wouldn't host a website from my own computer - too many security and bandwidth issues, you really need to look into web hosting - your ISP probably provides you with some web space to host a home page already.

As already said, Blitz is a programming langauge so it is not useful at all for building web sites, use something like Macromedia's DreamWeaver (I wouldn't use Word or FrontPage as they create very Microsoft specific web pages) or if you want to get into the HTML then find a good book, there are plenty around.

Nibble(Posted 2003) [#5]
You can make a Blitz web server. There is a small demo in the code archives either on this site or BlitzCoder. If you wanted to, you could even make your own scripting language and interpret it in your Blitz program. I started something like that once, then I got bored and stopped.

If you want a non-Blitz web server, try Apache.

If you want a Blitz HTML authoring tool, that probably isn't too hard as long as you know all the different tags.

Craig Watson(Posted 2003) [#6]
I wrote a CGI demo for Blitz a while ago, using userlibs.

That way you could use a standard web server (IIS, Apache, Xitami etc.) but actually code the back-end clever stuff with Blitz.

You're probably better off instead using one of the many web specific languages out there like PHP, but it can be done.