Types again
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Types again
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Ok...Here I have a simple C struct typedef struct Stars_struct { float x, y, z; float r, g, b; } STARS; Now I can create as many objects of this struct as I want (2 of them here): STAR Object1 STAR Object2 Now, how can I create different objects using the SAME type in Blitz? Thanks in advance! |
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Type Stars Field x#, y#, z# Field r, g, b End Type Global MyStars.Stars SeedRnd Millisecs() ; Here I can make 15 different stars each as it's own ; individual object. (types are just a linked list) For count = 1 to 15 MyStars.Stars = New Stars ; Give'm random coordinates MyStars\x# = Rnd(-100,100) MyStars\y# = Rnd(-100,100) MyStars\z# = Rnd(-100,100) ; Give'm random color MyStars\r = Rand(0,255) MyStars\g = Rand(0,255) MyStars\b = Rand(0,255) Next counter = 1 For MyStars.Stars = Each Stars Print "Star #" + counter Print "x: " + MyStars\x# + " y: " + MyStars\y# + " z: " + MyStars\z# ; Same for print for color... here counter = counter + 1 Next waitkey() This is a small example. Hope it helps. They're each separate objects tied together in a link list so you can use For/Each, First, Last, and Before commands to navigate through the list of objects (and Delete to get rid of them). |
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Type Stars Field x#, y#, z# Field r, g, b End Type Object1.stars=new stars Object2.stars=new stars |
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Coorae, I suspected it to work this way, but it does not. Object1 is essentially Object2. Assigning fields of Object1 can be retrieved from Object2 without intializing Object2. So, basically think of Types as linked lists rather than C structs (which would be more powerful I believe). Hey Mark, how bout it? We need a C struct or a (c++ like) class would work :) |
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Joe, You're mistaken. Coorae's Blitz code does just what your C code does. Custom types are like C structs, and the variables that reference them are effectively pointers. They also happen to be stored in a linked list by default. So that's one up on C. =) |
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soja, Apparently so it seems. Then how would one translate the following from C to blitz: typedef struct Stars_struct { float x, y, z; float r, g, b; } STARS; STAR Object1[20] STAR Object2[20] Now I have 20 instances of EACH star object. |
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think I just figured it out.... :) Type Stars Field x#, y#, z# Field r, g, b End Type Dim mystars1.stars(5) Dim mystars2.stars(5) For N = 0 To 5 mystars1(N) = New Stars mystars2(N) = New Stars Next For j=0 To 5 mystars1(j)\r = Rand(255) mystars2(j)\r = Rand(255) Next For j=0 To 5 DebugLog("mystars1(j)\r=" + mystars1(j)\r) DebugLog("mystars2(j)\r=" + mystars2(j)\r) Next |