Blitz Basic vs. Blitz+?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Blitz Basic vs. Blitz+?

Mike V(Posted 2003) [#1]
Hello all..

First.. accept my apologies if this has been covered already.. I've been "away" from the community for a bit and was unaware of the upgrade to Blitz+...

My question is simple..
Is there *any* support anymore for Blitz Basic, or has that gone the way of the dinosaur? And.. if so.. is there any kind of upgrade rate from BlitzBasic to Blitz+? Mind you, I'm speaking completely about the 2D version, not Blitz3D...


WolRon(Posted 2003) [#2]
Support for Blitz2D is here @ :) Ask for help just as you did now.
AFAIK, there is no upgrade discount (unfortunately).
Note that Blitz3D does 2D as well and uses DirectX. I believe that BlitzPlus uses OpenGL for graphics.

Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#3]
O.o; "uh"

Andy(Posted 2003) [#4]
>Is there *any* support anymore for Blitz Basic, or has
>that gone the way of the dinosaur?

You can download the last update 1.8 from here, and you can as always ask questions on the board. Remember B3D has the full B2D set of commands in it.

>is there any kind of upgrade rate from BlitzBasic to >Blitz+?

No... Blitz Plus is a completely new product, which is not tied to DirectX7, but can be used on any Windows from Win95/WinNT4.0.


soja(Posted 2003) [#5]
The OpenGL in BlitzPlus is experimental at this stage. Right now it uses DirectX 1 (i.e. the version that came with Win95)... so you don't even have to worry about it. Anybody with Windows will have the necessary runtimes.

Mike V(Posted 2003) [#6]
Hello again..

Thanks for the replies!

Okay, another quick follow-up question..

I've read the features of Blitz+, but I'm not entirely sure how, in practice, they are improved over Blitz... In other words, what can you do with Blitz Plus that couldn't be done in the old version?

Thanks again!

ronbravo(Posted 2003) [#7]
BlitzPlus allows you to make windows apps using the Windows GUI. Not every Windows GUI feature is supported, but the most important ones are. You can still make 2D games in BlitzPlus just like Blitz2D. It should also be noted that BlitzPlus does not support 3D unless done through a userlib or some other runaround.

Mike V(Posted 2003) [#8]
Oh.. so.. other than that, they're basically the same? Hmm... I guess I'm fine with BB for now then...

Until I upgrade to Blitz3D anyway.. I checked out a couple games made with that.. "Best Friends" is alot of fun and a very nicely designed game...

soja(Posted 2003) [#9]
It should be noted that BlitzPlus uses an event-based system, which allows for very economical CPU usage. For instance, a small Windows desktop-based game might use 2-10% of the CPU time on average. It also works with Windows very well, which BlitzBasic doesn't really do.

It also lowers the minimum target spec.

Kuron(Posted 2003) [#10]
Oh.. so.. other than that, they're basically the same?
Blitz Plus is NOT the same. Blitz Plus was a complete rewrite. It will run on ANY version of Windows, unlike Blitz2D. Faster 2D, increased command set, Supports OpenGL for 2D, as Well as DirectX and even Software Rendering (perfect for apps). I am using the OpenGL and it is VERY stable and faster than DX in my tests!

Mike V(Posted 2003) [#11]
Wow.. okay.. so there is more to it than that :-)...

So.. is Blitz Plus now part of Blitz3D as well? I may just forego Blitz Plus and go with 3D if that's the case.


Kuron(Posted 2003) [#12]
So.. is Blitz Plus now part of Blitz3D as well?