About My Piece of code!
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/About My Piece of code!
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Well my piece of code is about moving an arrow but when i do the images stays meaning, it draw multiples arrows, which it shouldnt, it should just move the arrow... Heres my code can you fix it? AppTitle "Practice" Graphics 800, 600, 16, 2 SetBuffer Backbuffer() Global menuarrow = 0 ;---------------------- ; Load Graphics ;---------------------- ; Char Sprites Global CharA = LoadImage("images/char1.png") Global CharB = LoadImage("images/char2.png") ; Battle Scene Global Status_Bar = LoadImage("images/bset_bottom.png") Global Fight_Menu = LoadImage("images/bset_bottomATT.png") Global Arrow = LoadImage("images/arrow.png") ;--------------------- ; Draw Script ;--------------------- While Not KeyHit (1) DrawImage Status_Bar,0,470 DrawImage Fight_Menu,20,440 If menuarrow = 0 Then Ax = 0 Ay = 10 EndIf If menuarrow = 1 Then Ax = 0 Ay = 30 EndIf If menuarrow = 2 Then Ax = 0 Ay = 50 EndIf If menuarrow = 3 Then Ax = 0 Ay = 70 EndIf If menuarrow = 4 Then menuarrow = 0 EndIf If KeyDown(208) Then ;press down menuarrow = menuarrow + 1 EndIf DrawImage Arrow,Ax,Ay Flip Wend |
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Well, you have to erase the previous one that it drew. The easiest way is just to call Cls immediately after Flip. Like this... ...... DrawImage Arrow,Ax,Ay Flip:Cls Wend |
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Whats : ? Why use flip:cls why not just flip cls ?? edited(I mean I dont get it cause shouldnt it errase status_bar and fight_menu?) Oh and when I press down the arrow goes to fast its like selecting but if u keep pressing it it should go 1 wait 1 not 1 1 1 1 1... if you understand how can I delay it? |
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Kaisuo: Your second problem is easy to solve - replace KeyDown with KeyHit. If you would rather be able to hold the key, set a timer which counts down (or up) and reset it every time the menu selection is changed. Example:If KeyDown(200) timer = timer + 1 If timer >= 20 timer = 0 menuarrow = menuarrow + 1 EndIf EndIfAs for your first dilemma: What you are seeing is everything which has been drawn to the buffer. When you draw to a buffer (front or backbuffer) it always remains unless you use a CLS command. Try filling the screen with graphics (using TileImage for example) or placing a Cls command into your code. |
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The ":" is just a statement separator. Doing this...statement1 : statement2...is the same as this: statement1 statement2 So no worries there. As far as the other stuff goes, I would recommend re-drawing everything every frame (or everytime you go through the loop). Basically, like this: 1) Draw your stuff 2) Flip 3) Clear the backbuffer (cls) 4) Return to 1 This way if you just change the coordinates of where the pointer is during your loop, it will appear to animate. |
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edited(I mean I dont get it cause shouldnt it errase status_bar and fight_menu?) Yes. Redraw those aswell. |
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Well my point by shouldnt it erase status_bar and fight_menu is that it doesnt erase them but it shouldnt no? |
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...it doesnt erase them but it shouldnt no? What are you asking?? For our intents and purposes, the way a game works is this: 1) A frame gets drawn to a buffer 2) The frame is rendered to the screen 3) Relevant parts of the buffer are erased (usually the whole thing is erased) 4) Everything is redrawn again o nthe erased buffer 5) The new frame is rendered to the screen ...and so on. This happens typically 60 times per second. |
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Kaisuo: Your status bar and fight menu remain because they are always being drawn in exactly the same place. When you use a CLS command, you are only clearing the current buffer, which in your case is the unseen backbuffer. Anything drawn to the backbuffer is invisible. When you call the Flip command, the information stored on the buffers is swapped over (from front to back and vice versa) so you can see the drawn image. So using CLS wont erase anything you need in this case. |
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Yeah after a while i figured it out, I played with it a bit as you can see below now it erase all :)AppTitle "Shadiens - Tournament" Graphics 800, 600, 16, 2 SetBuffer Backbuffer() Global menuarrow = 0 Global draw = True ;---------------------- ; Load Graphics ;---------------------- ; Char Sprites Global CharA = LoadImage("images/char1.png") Global CharB = LoadImage("images/char2.png") ; Battle Scene Global Status_Bar = LoadImage("images/bset_bottom.png") Global Fight_Menu = LoadImage("images/bset_bottomATT.png") Global Arrow = LoadImage("images/arrow.png") ;--------------------- ; Draw Script ;--------------------- While Not KeyHit (1) If draw = True Then DrawImage Status_Bar,0,470 DrawImage Fight_Menu,20,440 EndIf If menuarrow = 0 Then Ax = 0 Ay = 10 EndIf If menuarrow = 1 Then Ax = 0 Ay = 30 EndIf If menuarrow = 2 Then Ax = 0 Ay = 50 EndIf If menuarrow = 3 Then Ax = 0 Ay = 70 EndIf If menuarrow = 4 Then menuarrow = 0 EndIf If KeyHit(30) Then Cls EndIf If KeyDown(208) Then ;press down menuarrow = menuarrow + 1 draw = False EndIf DrawImage Arrow,Ax,Ay Flip Cls Wend |