High Score for a Pong Game

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/High Score for a Pong Game

Ash33(Posted 2003) [#1]
I a newbie and I am working through the usual Pong game for a start. However, I would like to implement the high score feature in the game i.e. if the user presses the ESC key the high score list appears and asks for player's name in order to update the high score list if player's score is higher than the lowest value in the list and on a second press of the key the program ends. The problem is that I have used p_score for the player's score and there is the computer's score denoted by o_score that has to be overlooked if player is winning. Could anyone provide some detailed help as how to implement this feature? Code would be most welcome.

Perturbatio(Posted 2003) [#2]
Maybe something like this?

*EDIT* saving and loading are left for you to implement yourself

Graphics 800,600,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Type HighScores			;Create a Type with two arrays to store the high scores
	Field Name$[9]
	Field Score%[9]
End Type

Type Player				;Create a player type to hold the player's details
	Field Name$
	Field Score%
	Field ScorePosition%
End Type

Global CurrentPlayer.Player = New Player	;Create an instance of the Player type
	CurrentPlayer\Name$ = ""
	CurrentPlayer\Score% = 0
	CurrentPlayer\ScorePosition% = -1 ; initialize it to a number lower than the table allows

Global HighScoreTable.HighScores = New HighScores ;Create an instance of the highscore type


CurrentPlayer\Score% = 50000 ;for test purposes, set to highest score

While Not KeyDown(1)

;Play the game
Text  10,10,"game is running Wow! isn't it fun?!?! - press escape to quit"



CurrentPlayer\ScorePosition%=  GetScorePosition(CurrentPlayer\Score%)

If CurrentPlayer\ScorePosition% > -1 Then ;if the score has a position on the board

	CurrentPlayer\Name$ = Input$("Congratulations!  Enter Your Name: ")
	AddScore(CurrentPlayer\Score%, CurrentPlayer\Name$, CurrentPlayer\ScorePosition%)


While Not KeyDown(1)
;Display the score table
For t = 0 To 9
	If t = CurrentPlayer\ScorePosition% Then
		Color 255,0,0 
		Color 255,255,255	

	Text 50, 50 + (t*16), HighScoreTable\Name$[t]
	Text 150, 50 + (t*16), ""+HighScoreTable\Score%[t]





Function LoadHighScores()
;Load the high scores from file

;create a default high score table for demonstration purposes
;0 is the bottom of the table, 9 is the top

For t = 0 To 9 
	HighScoreTable\Name$[t] = "Player " + t
	HighScoreTable\Score%[t] = (t*1000) + 1000

End Function

Function SaveHighScores()
;save the highscores to file
End Function

Function AddScore(Score%, Name$, Position%)
	For t = 0 To Position-1
		If t = Position Then
			HighScoreTable\Score%[t] = HighScoreTable\Score[t+1]
			HighScoreTable\Name$[t] = HighScoreTable\Name$[t+1]
	HighScoreTable\Score%[Position] = Score%
	HighScoreTable\Name$[Position] = Name$
End Function

Function GetScorePosition%(Score%)

Local Position%
	For t = 0 To 9
		If Score > HighScoreTable\Score[t] Then Position = t
Return Position

End Function

Warren(Posted 2003) [#3]

Perturbatio(Posted 2003) [#4]
Did I beat you to it? :)

Warren(Posted 2003) [#5]
No, I was rude and condescending and decided to do a recall on it. ;)

Perturbatio(Posted 2003) [#6]
That's very unlike you :)

wedoe(Posted 2003) [#7]
There is a simpler version of highscore on my website:

Perturbatio(Posted 2003) [#8]
Not that it's a big deal for a simple pong game, but if you plan to have a highscore table in a product you want to release, it would be a good idea to obfuscate the high scores (i.e. don't save it as a simple text file with name\score values) since it will be easily editable (there are people that do such things).

Warren(Posted 2003) [#9]
That's very unlike you :)

Stuffing a sock in your mouth, your head in the toilet.
