A few question about Blitz3D

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/A few question about Blitz3D

Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#1]
I currently own BlitzPlus and have Blitz3D demo, however I'm a complete newb at 3D, as currently Im practicing with 3D Studio Max and Maya to make models.

My questions are:
How big can a world be?
Could it be as big as Earth & Beyond ? Which is HUGE.

Is it easyer then 2D? I mean can you do betetr animation with your 3D models I mean is it easyer to make them rotate and stuff?

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2003) [#2]
World Size depends on a lot of things like: number of Triangles (10'000 to 500'000), Number of surfaces, Fog/NoFog/camerarange, VIS Occlusion?, Number of Animations and last but not least: your Definition of Hardware Requirements for your Release.

Some things are easier, some are trickier. One Goodie is you have to animate a Model only one Time and then you can display it from every possible angle, unlike in 2D.

To rotate a camera around an animated Mesh, say a bullettime-jumping KungFu Fighter takes you 2 Minutes of Coding, while it would be pretty impossible in 2D.

But to model and animate a decent KungFu Fighter might take you a day or two. Unless you gonna use Psionics "Ninja" ;)

GfK(Posted 2003) [#3]
You trying to put the guy off, jfk?? :)

Yes, its easier than 2D.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2003) [#4]
Hu? Why?

googlemesilly(Posted 2003) [#5]
I think GFK means it's a complicated answer for a
simple question ha ! ...

Andy(Posted 2003) [#6]
>How big can a world be?

Virtually endless in every direction, only limited by you abilities as a programmer and the space on your harddisk.

>Could it be as big as Earth & Beyond ? Which is HUGE.

Yes, but... No computer is capable of representing such huge worlds, having everything in memory at the same time...

A part of your 'training' will be to experiment... This is the process where many people feel they aren't getting anywhere, but 'understanding' and developing a sense of how to analyse and conquer a challenge will make you capable of getting around the limitations imposed on you by your PC.

>Is it easyer then 2D? I mean can you do betetr animation
>with your 3D models I mean is it easyer to make them
>rotate and stuff?

yes... the most difficult part is actually creating the 3D model.


Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#7]
Well Im practicing 3D max studio is pretty easy so far :)
I made an orange lol >.>