Isometric Grid
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Isometric Grid
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Can someone please set me straight with this, I am attempting to create an isometric grid on the full screen with a spacing of 10 pix on the X an Y. In the end I am wanting to save the screen out as a BMP file which I can then import into a cad drawing package to use as a background of a drawing frame. Graphics 800,600 x#=0 y#=0 Color 0,255,0 For x#=0 To 800 For y#=0 To 600 If x# Mod 10=0 If y# Mod 10=0 Plot (x#-y#),((x#+y#)/2) EndIf EndIf Next Next While Not KeyHit(1) Wend What am I doing wrong with this? Thanks Luna. |
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Try this:Graphics 800,600 SetBuffer BackBuffer() Color 0,255,0 For x=0 To 800 Step 10 For y= 5 To 595 Step 5 ;(y and 1) checks if y is an odd number If y And 1 Then Plot x+5,y Else Plot x, y End If Next Next Flip WaitKey() End Your code will make a 45 degree x 45 degree isometric grid. Most games use a 60 degree x 120 degree iso grid. Something like this: Graphics 800,600 SetBuffer BackBuffer() Color 0,255,0 For x = 0 To 800 Step 10 For y = 3 To 600 Step 3 If y And 1 Then Plot x + 5, y Else Plot x, y End If Next Next Flip WaitKey() End |
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Soory to intrude but I tryed the code myself.. All little dots, I tryed thinking 4 dot = 1 square, but arent the square way to small >.< id thought that isometric stuff was much bigger "looks at Diablo" |
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Thanks Andy, I will print out both versions and see which looks best on paper. Kaisuo, What I needed was an isometric grid that I can import into a draughting package to use as a background on my isometric drawing frame, This would then help the people using the drawings to get perspective of 3D while assembling there jobs. |