Hex Question
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Hex Question
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I have a silly Question, maybe I am just blind ATM: If I have a string containing a Hex Number, say a$="$2e", how could I convert it to an Integer value? I tried b=0+(a$) but it didn't work. The Problem seems to be that Blitz stops parsing the String in the automatic Type Conversion as soon as it hits a Non-numeric Character (which ich "$" here) Thanks. |
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http://www.blitzbasic.com/codearcs/codearcs.php?code=219 |
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Wow, that's a big function. Thought there must be an easier Solution, however, thanks a lot! |
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How long can your hex number be? If it is just a 2-digit hex number, say, as in your example, you can write your own specific routine, which can be much shorter. |
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Here's a shorter function for a 2-digit hex: Print hex_int("$ff") Repeat Until KeyHit(1) End Function hex_int(a$) Local tempa$,tempint,newint=0 For i=2 To 3 tempa$=Lower(Mid$(a$,i,1)) If Asc(tempa$)>96 And Asc(tempa$)<103 Then tempint=Asc(tempa$)-87 Else tempint=Int(tempa$) End If newint=newint+(16^(3-i)*tempint) Next Return newint End Function |
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Holy convoluted code Batman!Print hex_int("$ff") Print hex_int("Af") WaitKey() End Function hex_int(a$) Local h$ = "123456789ABCDEF", l = Len(a$) a$ = Upper$(a$) Return (Instr(h$, Mid$(a$, l - 1, 1)) Shl 4) Or (Instr(h$, Mid$(a$, l, 1))) End FunctionYAN |
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Love your code, Yan! |
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Instr() is your friend ;o) Nice web site BTW YAN |
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Defining h$, Instr, and that Shl 4! |
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Here is a piece that can use hexas of up to 8 ciffers, borrowed most of it. ; ID: 104 ; Author: Unknown ; Date: 2001-10-15 01:37:58 ; Title: Val function ; Description: Converts a string to an integer (Decimal) ; Val Function v0.1 By The Prof - For Blitzers Everywhere! ; ; ************************************************************** ; Function Val(txt$) ; Val v0.1 By The Prof - Last Compiled 14-10-01 - 22:00 ; String to Integer function (Decimal). ; t$=Upper$(txt$):l=Len(t$):Power=1 For Pos=L To 1 Step-1 V=Asc(Mid$(t$,Pos,1))-48 If (V>-1) And (V<10) ; Ensure a Zero for letters Value=Value+(V*Power) Power=Power*16 End If If (V>16) And (V<23) ; Ensure a Zero for letters Value=Value+((V-7)*Power) Power=Power*16 End If Next Return Value End Function ; ; ************************************************************** |