Easy way to do this?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Easy way to do this?

Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#1]
Well you know in a RPG when u walk in the back of a house you dont see ur char and when u walk infront part of ur image is over the house, or when u walk under a bridge u dont see ur char how would be the simpless way to draw a char under and image and when its infront on the image?

Dunno if you follow me.

Oh and how could I make like a invisible square under my char for collision?

Thanks in advance be really specific me dumb :P

Perturbatio(Posted 2003) [#2]
Didn't you already ask something like this before?


Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#3]
Yes, but I mean a quick trick, cause i can draw the map as layer 1, layer as houses and after player sprites loads but i got no idea how to set the sprite on or under depending on where it is.

dunno maybe a fonction? using blitzplus.

ford escort(Posted 2003) [#4]
easy you have to draw your player sprites beetween the ground layers and the upper layers.

for exemple when blitz draw the scene it may draw the whole thing like this

[layer 0]ground tiles
[layer 1]low objects tiles (such flowers, etc all the stuff the player is above or that can block the player)


[layer 2]upper objects layer 1 the objects the player alway pass under
[layer 3]upper objects layer 2 upper than [layer 2]

here's a trick

use 2 images buffers draw the layer0 and the layer1 on a buffer and the other layers on a second buffer, remember to use the transparent color as background color for the second buffer. then each frames you can

- drawblock the ground buffer this erase all graphics on screen
- draw the players monster etc

- drawimage the upper buffer

so you just have to draw all the layers one time then just update the animed sprites positions

Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#5]
but if you wana add new players or monster at certain points u have to redraw everything? wouldnt that take long?

eBusiness(Posted 2003) [#6]
No, usually not, but of cource you only need to redraw the fields that changes, s'pose this is a simple 2D game.

Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#7]
oh like:


player layer


only redraw player_layer and layer3 and 4, but if the map is huge :| hopefully it wont take long :S

huge means 32x32 blocks
X= +10 000
Y= +10 000

ford escort(Posted 2003) [#8]
explain more in details

create buffer1 and buffer2 for example:
(note that you MUST use the transparent color of your tileset as background color of the buffer2)
the you draw your map layers in these buffers

layer 0 and 1 in buffer1
layer 2 and 3 in buffer2

so your main loop can look like this

drawblock buffer1,0,0
*** draw the player ***
drawimage buffer2,0,0
until keydown(1)

so no need to redraw the map from the data each frame :)

eBusiness(Posted 2003) [#9]
No, only redraw the block from where you moved, and the block to where you moved. Alternately, redraw the whole screen every time the player moves, it should be possible. But only the visible part of course. You don't use some fancy B+ function to keep track of the map, cause then you should probably seek help from someone who own B+, at least if what I said can't help you.