Brutal slowdown with for loop..
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Brutal slowdown with for loop..
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I need to create a healthbar for my game that decreases along with a player's health, so I came up with this piece of code which is called once every game loop. It works as it should, but slows the game down horribly. Does anyone know what's wrong with this method? The 'HealthDisplay_Handle' is a 1x8 res image which makes up the healthbar. 236 is the total possible length in pixels of the healthbar. [CODE] For x = 1 To 236 For player1.entity = Each entity P1_HealthUnit# = 236/player1\MaxHealth P1_TranslatedHealth# = player1\health# * P1_HealthUnit# If x <= P1_TranslatedHealth# DrawImageBB HealthDisplay_Handle,(P1_PicX+36)+x,(P1_PicY-8)+ScreenLimitTop EndIf Next Next [/CODE] |
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That's a hopeless way of doing it :) Try something like this:; ; Assuming you are drawing your healthbars after drawing a background or clearing the screen ; P1_HealthUnit# = 236/player1\MaxHealth P1_TranslatedHealth# = player1\health# * P1_HealthUnit# ; Dimensions of the cut off of the health bar ileft = P1_TranslatedHealth iwidth = 236-P1_TranslatedHealth itop = 0 iheight = 16 ; Create a temporary image to hold the cut off tmpimg = CreateImage(iwidth,iheight) CopyRect ileft,itop,iwidth,iheight,0,0,BackBuffer(),ImageBuffer(tmpimg) ; Draw the healthbar DrawImage EntireHealthBar,0,0 ; Draw the background on top of the healthbar DrawBlock tmpimg,ileft,itop ; Delete the temporary image FreeImage tmpimgHaven't tested it, so it might need some adjustments! |
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And here I thought I was being clever. I'm getting all nervous about the rest of my code now :) The code works fine except for some coordinate weirdness, nothing I can't figure out tho'. Thanks. |
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You could also use the drawimageblock command. |
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DrawBlockRect |
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Hey, that's even better :) |